Omium Moon Mod

A moon inspired by Embrion.

Below are some details about the moon. Like scrap spawns, enemy spawns and other stuff.

Moon Description: POPULATION: UNKNOWN CONDITIONS: An empy wasteland, surface is made of extremely hot amethyst. Closely related to Embrion. Fauna: UNKNOWN

Risk Level: S+ (might show up differently for some reason) Time To Arrive: 1 Day Speed Multiplier: 1 Weathers: Eclipsed, Stormy, Foggy, Flooded. Factory Size Multiplier: 1.7 Dungeon Flow Types: Factory 300, Mansion 39. Spawnable Map Objects: Mine, Turret.

Scrap Spawns: Cog 24 Engine 10 Fish 27 MetalSheet 5 LaserPointer 61 BigBolt 82 BottleBin 30 Ring 40 SteeringWheel 50 MoldPan 17 EggBeater 10 PickleJar 10 DustPan 32 Airhorn 73 ClownHorn 49 CashRegister 34 Candy 14 GoldBar 90 YieldSign 66 FlashBang 55 GiftBox 86 Flask 20 Perfume 44 TragedyMask 61 Shotgun 5 FancyLamp 14

Min Scrap 40 Max Scrap 90 Min Total Scrap Value 150 Max Total Scrap Value 1600


Max Enemy Power Count (inside) 40 Max Outside Enemy Power Count 25 Max Daytime Enemy Power Count 10

Enemies 12 Centipede 41 (snare flea) SandSpider 56 (bunker spider) HoarderBug 100 Flowerman 100 (bracken) Crawler 100 (thumper) Blob 75 DressGirl 98 (ghost girl) Puffer 10 (spore lizard) Nutcracker 96 Jester 100 SpringMan 100 (coil head) MaskedPlayerEnemy 100

Outside Enemies 5 MouthDog 100 ForestGiant 5 SandWorm 100 BaboonHawk 100 SpringMan 30

Daytime Enemies 3 RedLocustBees 50 (beehives (i think)) Doublewing 74 (manticoil) DocileLocustBees 52 (roaming locust)

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