Adjusts the in-game HUD to have some extra, fully-customizable features.Player HUD Tweaks
PlayerHUDTweaks makes a few customizable changes to the in-game player HUD. All of these changes can be adjusted in the config and are listed below. If you have any feedback, bug reports, or questions, feel free to add me on Discord @swaggies
This is an early state of this mod, there is much more planned for the future.
Each feature may be enabled or disabled. By default, the first three are enabled, and can be adjusted in the config. You must rejoin a lobby to fully enable or disable some features, but not to customize them.
Dynamic Health
- Red area will cover how much damage the player has taken, and will fill from bottom to top the more damage the player takes
- The amount of health needed to fill the player model can be adjusted
- You can toggle between the red area being fully opaque or making it transparent if the player has more health
Sprint Meter
- Adjust at what stamina the sprint meter will be visually empty and visually full
- Make the sprint meter turn red when the player is exhausted (under 30% stamina)
Weight Counter
- Display the weight to one decimal point
- Swap the font between the text shadow version and no text shadow version
- Make the counter transition to your current weight over time or update immediately
- Change which unit is displayed (pounds, grams, kilograms)
- Change how the unit is displayed on the counter ("lb" / "lb." / "pounds")
- Change how the weight counter is rounded (floored, rounded, ceiled)
- Enable revamped formatting with more diverse colors and text sizes
HUD Numbers
- Display your player's health as a number next to the player outline
- Display your player's stamina as a number percentage next to the player outline
- Display your current item's battery percentage as a number next to the battery icon at the top left
- Each of these has the following config options:
- Enabled or disabled
- Text shadow
- X and Y position offsets
- (health number only) flash while critically injured
- (stamina number only) turn red when exhaused (copied from the sprint meter's config option)
- (battery number only) font size
playerhudtweaks version 1.1.0
lethal company version 69+