Improves scan nodes for youScan Ship Everywhere Mod
Despite the name, this mod allows you to scan many things from pretty much anywhere on the map.
Things you can scan:
- Ship
- Drop Ship (Compatible with other mods)
- Main Entrance
- Fire Exits (If a mod adds a scan node to them)
- Light Switch (Compatible with other mods. Only inside ship, of course)
This mod works by just setting the maxRange for these scan nodes to a very high number.
It also increases the hard max distance for scan nodes.
But... There's already this mod doing the same
Yes, but this mod ignores the hard max distance problem.
Also, it does not provide a config in case you just want to set your own limits.
Potential issues:
- If a mod adds scan nodes to the entrance/fire exit inside the facility, this might cause issues
Known incompatibilities:
- None
Compatible Scan-Overriding mods:
- GoodItemScan
- BetterItemScan
- ScanTweaks (Scanning far away nodes will take a while)
- GeneralImprovements