The herald of the arcane brings the glorious evolution to the stars! Includes skins!Viktor Playermodel Pack - League of Legends v2.0.1
The herald of the arcane brings the glorious evolution to the stars!
8 Playermodels of Viktor from League of Legends with:
- Jiggle Physics on cape, hair and claw
- Toggles for multiple model elements
- Upcoming voice lines
Included Suits:
- Classic Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Hexclaw Toggle
- Mantle Toggle
- Hair toggle between League and Arcane style
- Glowing eyes (with toggle)
- Full-machine Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Arm Toggle
- Armor Toggle
- Glowing transparente cape (with toggle)
- Glowing eyes (with toggle)
- Prototype Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Arm Toggle
- Armor Toggle
- Lense toggle
- Glowing glasses and lights (with toggle)
- Creator Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Cannon Toggle
- Left and Right Shoulder pad Toggle
- Glowing lights all around! (with toggle)
- Deathsworn Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Arm Toggle
- Armor Toggle
- Mask toggle
- Glowing body (with toggle)
- Psyops Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Arm Toggle
- Mantle Toggle
- Glowing light parts (with toggle)
- 8 alternate colors (Chromas)
- High Noon Viktor
- Cape Toggle
- Cape Length Toggle
- Back Arm Toggle
- Shoulder Pad Toggle
- Necklace Toggle
- Glowing eyes (with toggle)
- 9 alternate colors (Chromas)
- Arcane Savior Viktor
- Halo Toggle
- Mystic Arm Toggle
- Upper and lower cloth toggle
- Gold Details Toggle
- 9 alternate colors (Chromas)
- v0.1.0
- Beta Release
- v1.0.0
- Added Arcane Savior
- Fixed Alpha issue on classic Cape
- Adjusted Full Machine's Model Size
- v1.0.1
- Fixes Asset Bundle name issue
- v1.0.2
- Included 'TooManySuits' to dependencies for good measure.
- v2.0.0
- Introduced toggles! Use LethalConfig to change the way the suits look!
- Made the new short cape the default, just like in League
- Added 10 chromas for Psyops
- Added 9 chromas for High Noon
- Added LethalConfig as a dependency
- Added LethalNetworkAPI as a dependency
- Added new icon
- v2.0.1
- Oops, image link oopsie on the page!