Adds event that triggers when the game reaches 7 pmMoon Anomalies
Introduces moon rotation events for lethal company. This mod focuses on 4 main moon rotations for now, which is : {none ; blood moon ; diamond moon ; harvest moon}.
Blood Moon
Increases danger on moons by increasing the spawn rate of mobs by 2x.
Harvest Moon
Increases the value of scrap inside the facility by 1.5x-2.5x at random.
Diamond Moon
Adds an extra day for the deadline before you have to sell.
Note that the most common one is a normal moon, but any of these other 3 might occur between the time of 7pm and midnight. The mod might get updates to add more moons variation and can work as an API to add new ones:
Developers :
Adding a new moon :
[BepInDependency(StaticNetcodeLib.MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.HardDependency)]
Just above your plugin Awake statement. Then :
var goldMoon = ModAssets.LoadAsset<GameObject>("GoldMoon");
LunarAnomaliesManager.SetMoon<HarvestMoon>(moon => moon.Init(goldMoon));
The gold moon must be the prefab you want to be instantiated when the moon is yours. You must also create a moon script that inherits from Moon which will contain the moons property!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
namespace LunarAnomalies.MoonsScript;
public class BloodMoon : Moon
public string name { get; set; } = "Blood Moon";
public Color color { get; set; } = new Color(224,29,20,255);
public GameObject moonObject { get; set; }
//TODO put it back at 10f
public float precentageChanceSpawn { get; set; } = 10f;
public int timeBetweenEachCall { get; set; } = 4;
public string messageMoon { get; set; } = "ESCAPE NOW!!!";
public void Init(GameObject gameObject)
moonObject = gameObject;
public void ApplyImmediateEffect()
//Should be called by you in the script you will create in your moon prefab
public void ApplyConstantEffect()
//Must be invoked every "TimeBetweenEachCall" amount of time!
You then call this when you want the moon effect to start. I usually do it in the script attached to the prefab
InvokeRepeating("MiddleManFunction", 0f, LunarAnomaliesManager.currentMoon.timeBetweenEachCall);
and you are done! The moon manager will use this to have the properties of the moon!