Lethal Company polskie tłumaczenie

Projekt ma na celu tłumaczenie Lethal Company na język polski.

Obecnie trwają prace nad nim i aktualizacje będą dodawane. Wszystkie tłumaczenia można znaleźć w plikach podlinkowanych poniżej. Jeśli masz problemy z uruchomieniem moda, obejrzyj następujący poradnik.

Jeżeli nagrywasz materiał z użyciem mojego moda, bardzo byłbym szczęśliwy jak wspomnisz o mnie w filmie albo w opisie jako @Trehol.


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Menu gry i tłumaczenie interfejsu

Polskie tłumaczenia używane do wszystkiego poza terminalem.

  1. AdvancedCompany
  2. Assignment
  3. BrutalCompany
  4. Creature
  5. Deaths
  6. Emotes
  7. GameMaster
  8. HullBreakerCompany
  9. Interactive
  10. Keybinds
  11. LethalCompanyVariables
  12. LethalExpansion
  13. LethalProgression
  14. LethalSettings
  15. Location
  16. MainMenu
  17. NeedyCats
  18. ObjectVolumeController
  19. Scrap&items
  20. SellScreen
  21. Subtitles
  22. Times
  23. UI
  24. Weight

Tłumaczenie terminala

Tłumaczenie NewTerminal, używane do tłumaczenia samego terminala.

  1. Verbs
  2. Special
  3. Other

Tłumaczenie plakatów

Tłumaczenie LethalPosters, używane do tłumaczenia plakatów na statku.

  1. Posters

Tłumaczenie modów

Aktualnie przetłumaczono szczegółowo następujące mody:

  1. AdditionalSuits
  2. AdvancedCompany
  3. AlltheScrapsMod
  4. Aquatis
  5. Atlas Abyss
  6. BetterEXP
  7. BetterLethality
  8. BetterSprayPaint
  9. Brutal Company Minus
  10. Brutal Company Plus
  11. Cabinet Item Storage
  12. CalculateScrapForQuota
  13. Celest
  14. ChillaxSCRAPS
  15. CompanyBellScrap
  16. ControlCompany
  17. Coroner
  18. CorporateRestructureWeather
  19. Dafis Mega Moon Pack Emporium
  20. Dafis Mega Scrap Pack Emporium
  21. DiscountAlert
  22. Diversity
  23. Druggie
  24. E Gypt Moon
  25. EladsHUD
  26. EllenaLethalScraps
  27. Emergency Dice
  28. EmployeeAssignments
  29. Ether
  30. FacilityMeltdown
  31. Ducks Moons
  32. GameMaster
  33. Ganimedes
  34. GeneralImprovements
  35. GnomeScrapModFIXED
  36. HookGun
  37. HullBreaker Company
  38. HullBreaker Company Ambigous Fork
  39. Huntdown
  40. ImmersiveScraps
  41. InsanityRemastered
  42. Kast
  43. KnucklesMod
  44. LambdaCompany
  45. Lategame Upgrades
  46. LCAmmoCheck
  47. LCBetterSaves
  48. LC Office
  49. Lethal Missions
  50. LethalCompany InputUtils
  51. LethalCompanyVR
  52. LethalCompanyVariables
  53. LethalConfig
  54. LethalDevMode
  55. LethalEmotesAPI
  56. LethalExpansion
  57. LethalPlushies
  58. LethalProgression
  59. LethalRadiation
  60. LethalSettings
  61. LethalSnap
  62. LethalStats
  63. LethalThings
  64. Lethal Trading Cards
  65. LootableMusicTapes
  66. Malfunctions
  67. MikuScrap
  68. MinecraftScraps
  69. MinimumQuotaFinder
  70. Minions
  71. Monster Plushies
  72. More_Emotes
  73. MoreCompany
  74. MoreInteriors
  75. More Suits
  76. NeedyCats
  77. NotEnoughSubtitleENG
  78. ObjectVolumeController
  79. Orion
  80. OuijaBoard
  81. Outpost 31
  82. Peaches Castle
  83. Pinger
  84. PintoBoy
  85. PlushiesPlus
  86. PolaroidCamera
  87. PowerRelayMoon
  88. ReservedItemSlotCore
  89. RevScytheScrap
  90. RollingGiant
  91. SavageCompany
  92. ScarletDevilMansion
  93. Scavenger Plushie
  94. SecretLabs
  95. SellTracker
  96. ShipGrabbableStat
  97. ShipLoot
  98. ShortRangeTeleporterGun
  99. Skibidi Toilet
  100. SpringFactory
  101. StarlancerMoons
  102. Strange Objects
  103. StrangerThingsMod
  104. Tokucade Scrap
  105. TooManyEmotes
  106. TooManyItems
  107. TooManySuits
  108. Touchscreen
  109. VanillaContentExpansion
  110. VileValuables
  111. WeatherTweaks
  112. Wesleys Moons
  113. YippeeScrap
  114. Inne w mniejszym stopniu

Lethal Company Polish Translation

This project is a Polish translation of Lethal Company.

It is currently a work in progress and updates will be continued. All of the translations can be found in the files linked below. If you are having issues with installation, check out this tutorial.

If you are using my mod during recording, I would be happy to be mentioned in video or its description as @Trehol.

Submit a Translation

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Game Menus & UI Translations

The polish translations used for everything besides the terminal.

  1. AdvancedCompany
  2. Assignment
  3. BrutalCompany
  4. Creature
  5. Deaths
  6. Emotes
  7. GameMaster
  8. HullBreakerCompany
  9. Interactive
  10. Keybinds
  11. LethalCompanyVariables
  12. LethalExpansion
  13. LethalProgression
  14. LethalSettings
  15. Location
  16. MainMenu
  17. NeedyCats
  18. ObjectVolumeController
  19. Scrap&items
  20. SellScreen
  21. Subtitles
  22. Times
  23. UI
  24. Weight

Terminal Translations

The NewTerminal translations, used to translate the terminal itself.

  1. Verbs
  2. Special
  3. Other

Posters Translations

The LethalPosters translations, used to translate the ship posters.

  1. Posters

Tłumaczenie modów

To this day there are few mods that were translated:

  1. AdditionalSuits
  2. AdvancedCompany
  3. AlltheScrapsMod
  4. Aquatis
  5. Atlas Abyss
  6. BetterEXP
  7. BetterLethality
  8. BetterSprayPaint
  9. Brutal Company Minus
  10. Brutal Company Plus
  11. Cabinet Item Storage
  12. CalculateScrapForQuota
  13. Celest
  14. ChillaxSCRAPS
  15. CompanyBellScrap
  16. ControlCompany
  17. Coroner
  18. CorporateRestructureWeather
  19. Dafis Mega Moon Pack Emporium
  20. Dafis Mega Scrap Pack Emporium
  21. DiscountAlert
  22. Diversity
  23. Druggie
  24. E Gypt Moon
  25. EladsHUD
  26. EllenaLethalScraps
  27. Emergency Dice
  28. EmployeeAssignments
  29. Ether
  30. FacilityMeltdown
  31. Ducks Moons
  32. GameMaster
  33. Ganimedes
  34. GeneralImprovements
  35. GnomeScrapModFIXED
  36. HookGun
  37. HullBreaker Company
  38. HullBreaker Company Ambigous Fork
  39. Huntdown
  40. ImmersiveScraps
  41. InsanityRemastered
  42. Kast
  43. KnucklesMod
  44. LambdaCompany
  45. Lategame Upgrades
  46. LCAmmoCheck
  47. LCBetterSaves
  48. LC Office
  49. Lethal Missions
  50. LethalCompany InputUtils
  51. LethalCompanyVR
  52. LethalCompanyVariables
  53. LethalConfig
  54. LethalDevMode
  55. LethalEmotesAPI
  56. LethalExpansion
  57. LethalPlushies
  58. LethalProgression
  59. LethalRadiation
  60. LethalSettings
  61. LethalSnap
  62. LethalStats
  63. LethalThings
  64. Lethal Trading Cards
  65. LootableMusicTapes
  66. Malfunctions
  67. MikuScrap
  68. MinecraftScraps
  69. MinimumQuotaFinder
  70. Minions
  71. Monster Plushies
  72. More_Emotes
  73. MoreCompany
  74. MoreInteriors
  75. More Suits
  76. NeedyCats
  77. NotEnoughSubtitleENG
  78. ObjectVolumeController
  79. Orion
  80. OuijaBoard
  81. Outpost 31
  82. Peaches Castle
  83. Pinger
  84. PintoBoy
  85. PlushiesPlus
  86. PolaroidCamera
  87. PowerRelayMoon
  88. ReservedItemSlotCore
  89. RevScytheScrap
  90. RollingGiant
  91. SavageCompany
  92. ScarletDevilMansion
  93. Scavenger Plushie
  94. SecretLabs
  95. SellTracker
  96. ShipGrabbableStat
  97. ShipLoot
  98. ShortRangeTeleporterGun
  99. Skibidi Toilet
  100. SpringFactory
  101. StarlancerMoons
  102. Strange Objects
  103. StrangerThingsMod
  104. Tokucade Scrap
  105. TooManyEmotes
  106. TooManyItems
  107. TooManySuits
  108. Touchscreen
  109. VanillaContentExpansion
  110. VileValuables
  111. WeatherTweaks
  112. Wesleys Moons
  113. YippeeScrap
  114. Others
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