Lethal Company Polish Translation :: Polskie tłumaczenie Lethal Company. Przeczytaj opis po więcej informacji (AdvancedCompany, Brutal Company, ControlCompany, More_Emotes, More Suits, ReservedItemSlotCore, Wesleys Moons & więcej)Lethal Company polskie tłumaczenie
Projekt ma na celu tłumaczenie Lethal Company na język polski.
Obecnie trwają prace nad nim i aktualizacje będą dodawane. Wszystkie tłumaczenia można znaleźć w plikach podlinkowanych poniżej. Jeśli masz problemy z uruchomieniem moda, obejrzyj następujący poradnik.
Jeżeli nagrywasz materiał z użyciem mojego moda, bardzo byłbym szczęśliwy jak wspomnisz o mnie w filmie albo w opisie jako @Trehol.
Wyślij swoje sugestie
Masz pomysł na udoskonalenie tłumaczenia?
Menu gry i tłumaczenie interfejsu
Polskie tłumaczenia używane do wszystkiego poza terminalem.
- AdvancedCompany ✅
- Assignment ✅
- BrutalCompany ✅
- Creature ✅
- Deaths ✅
- Emotes ✅
- GameMaster ✅
- HullBreakerCompany ✅
- Interactive ✅
- Keybinds ✅
- LethalCompanyVariables ✅
- LethalExpansion ✅
- LethalProgression ✅
- LethalSettings ✅
- Location ✅
- MainMenu ✅
- NeedyCats ✅
- ObjectVolumeController ✅
- Scrap&items ✅
- SellScreen ✅
- Subtitles ✅
- Times ✅
- UI
- Weight ✅
Tłumaczenie terminala
Tłumaczenie NewTerminal, używane do tłumaczenia samego terminala.
Tłumaczenie plakatów
Tłumaczenie LethalPosters, używane do tłumaczenia plakatów na statku.
- Posters ✅
Tłumaczenie modów
Aktualnie przetłumaczono szczegółowo następujące mody:
- AdditionalSuits
- AdvancedCompany
- AlltheScrapsMod
- Aquatis
- Atlas Abyss
- BetterEXP
- BetterLethality
- BetterSprayPaint
- Brutal Company Minus
- Brutal Company Plus
- Cabinet Item Storage
- CalculateScrapForQuota
- Celest
- ChillaxSCRAPS
- CompanyBellScrap
- ControlCompany
- Coroner
- CorporateRestructureWeather
- Dafis Mega Moon Pack Emporium
- Dafis Mega Scrap Pack Emporium
- DiscountAlert
- Diversity
- Druggie
- E Gypt Moon
- EladsHUD
- EllenaLethalScraps
- Emergency Dice
- EmployeeAssignments
- Ether
- FacilityMeltdown
- Ducks Moons
- GameMaster
- Ganimedes
- GeneralImprovements
- GnomeScrapModFIXED
- HookGun
- HullBreaker Company
- HullBreaker Company Ambigous Fork
- Huntdown
- ImmersiveScraps
- InsanityRemastered
- Kast
- KnucklesMod
- LambdaCompany
- Lategame Upgrades
- LCAmmoCheck
- LCBetterSaves
- LC Office
- Lethal Missions
- LethalCompany InputUtils
- LethalCompanyVR
- LethalCompanyVariables
- LethalConfig
- LethalDevMode
- LethalEmotesAPI
- LethalExpansion
- LethalPlushies
- LethalProgression
- LethalRadiation
- LethalSettings
- LethalSnap
- LethalStats
- LethalThings
- Lethal Trading Cards
- LootableMusicTapes
- Malfunctions
- MikuScrap
- MinecraftScraps
- MinimumQuotaFinder
- Minions
- Monster Plushies
- More_Emotes
- MoreCompany
- MoreInteriors
- More Suits
- NeedyCats
- NotEnoughSubtitleENG
- ObjectVolumeController
- Orion
- OuijaBoard
- Outpost 31
- Peaches Castle
- Pinger
- PintoBoy
- PlushiesPlus
- PolaroidCamera
- PowerRelayMoon
- ReservedItemSlotCore
- RevScytheScrap
- RollingGiant
- SavageCompany
- ScarletDevilMansion
- Scavenger Plushie
- SecretLabs
- SellTracker
- ShipGrabbableStat
- ShipLoot
- ShortRangeTeleporterGun
- Skibidi Toilet
- SpringFactory
- StarlancerMoons
- Strange Objects
- StrangerThingsMod
- Tokucade Scrap
- TooManyEmotes
- TooManyItems
- TooManySuits
- Touchscreen
- VanillaContentExpansion
- VileValuables
- WeatherTweaks
- Wesleys Moons
- YippeeScrap
- Inne w mniejszym stopniu
Lethal Company Polish Translation
This project is a Polish translation of Lethal Company.
It is currently a work in progress and updates will be continued. All of the translations can be found in the files linked below. If you are having issues with installation, check out this tutorial.
If you are using my mod during recording, I would be happy to be mentioned in video or its description as @Trehol.
Submit a Translation
Have an idea to improve a translation?
Game Menus & UI Translations
The polish translations used for everything besides the terminal.
- AdvancedCompany ✅
- Assignment ✅
- BrutalCompany ✅
- Creature ✅
- Deaths ✅
- Emotes ✅
- GameMaster ✅
- HullBreakerCompany ✅
- Interactive ✅
- Keybinds ✅
- LethalCompanyVariables ✅
- LethalExpansion ✅
- LethalProgression ✅
- LethalSettings ✅
- Location ✅
- MainMenu ✅
- NeedyCats ✅
- ObjectVolumeController ✅
- Scrap&items ✅
- SellScreen ✅
- Subtitles ✅
- Times ✅
- UI
- Weight ✅
Terminal Translations
The NewTerminal translations, used to translate the terminal itself.
Posters Translations
The LethalPosters translations, used to translate the ship posters.
- Posters ✅
Tłumaczenie modów
To this day there are few mods that were translated:
- AdditionalSuits
- AdvancedCompany
- AlltheScrapsMod
- Aquatis
- Atlas Abyss
- BetterEXP
- BetterLethality
- BetterSprayPaint
- Brutal Company Minus
- Brutal Company Plus
- Cabinet Item Storage
- CalculateScrapForQuota
- Celest
- ChillaxSCRAPS
- CompanyBellScrap
- ControlCompany
- Coroner
- CorporateRestructureWeather
- Dafis Mega Moon Pack Emporium
- Dafis Mega Scrap Pack Emporium
- DiscountAlert
- Diversity
- Druggie
- E Gypt Moon
- EladsHUD
- EllenaLethalScraps
- Emergency Dice
- EmployeeAssignments
- Ether
- FacilityMeltdown
- Ducks Moons
- GameMaster
- Ganimedes
- GeneralImprovements
- GnomeScrapModFIXED
- HookGun
- HullBreaker Company
- HullBreaker Company Ambigous Fork
- Huntdown
- ImmersiveScraps
- InsanityRemastered
- Kast
- KnucklesMod
- LambdaCompany
- Lategame Upgrades
- LCAmmoCheck
- LCBetterSaves
- LC Office
- Lethal Missions
- LethalCompany InputUtils
- LethalCompanyVR
- LethalCompanyVariables
- LethalConfig
- LethalDevMode
- LethalEmotesAPI
- LethalExpansion
- LethalPlushies
- LethalProgression
- LethalRadiation
- LethalSettings
- LethalSnap
- LethalStats
- LethalThings
- Lethal Trading Cards
- LootableMusicTapes
- Malfunctions
- MikuScrap
- MinecraftScraps
- MinimumQuotaFinder
- Minions
- Monster Plushies
- More_Emotes
- MoreCompany
- MoreInteriors
- More Suits
- NeedyCats
- NotEnoughSubtitleENG
- ObjectVolumeController
- Orion
- OuijaBoard
- Outpost 31
- Peaches Castle
- Pinger
- PintoBoy
- PlushiesPlus
- PolaroidCamera
- PowerRelayMoon
- ReservedItemSlotCore
- RevScytheScrap
- RollingGiant
- SavageCompany
- ScarletDevilMansion
- Scavenger Plushie
- SecretLabs
- SellTracker
- ShipGrabbableStat
- ShipLoot
- ShortRangeTeleporterGun
- Skibidi Toilet
- SpringFactory
- StarlancerMoons
- Strange Objects
- StrangerThingsMod
- Tokucade Scrap
- TooManyEmotes
- TooManyItems
- TooManySuits
- Touchscreen
- VanillaContentExpansion
- VileValuables
- WeatherTweaks
- Wesleys Moons
- YippeeScrap
- Others