Library focused on providing custom GrabbableObject scripts which can be used on item implementations for other moddersCustom Item Behaviour Library
A library which provides several GrabbableObject
behaviours which can be used by other modders for their own item implementations.
Currently provided behaviours
- LookoutBehaviour - behaviour used to stop coil-heads from moving when placed on the floor. Example of item that uses this behaviour is the Peeper.
- UnderwaterBreatherBehaviour - behaviour used to retain oxygen when underwater due to flooded weather. Example of item that uses this behaviour is the Diving Kit
- ContainerBehaviour - behaviour used to store other items inside it to be transported along with it. Example of item that uses this behaviour is the Wheelbarrow , Shopping Cart and Scifi Box.
- PortableTeleporterBehaviour - behaviour used to teleport the player that interacted with the item when a teleporter is present. Examples of item that uses this behaviour are the Portable Teleporters
- ReplenishBatteryBehaviour - behaviour used to replenish other items that contain a battery to refill their battery life.
- ReplenishSanityBehaviour - behaviour used to replenish the player's sanity level instantly when consumed and provide an buff which reduces the amount of sanity you lose overtime.
How to use these behaviours on your own item implementations
- In the programatic way, you will just need to reference the assembly related to this library into your
file which then should allow you to see the several behaviours available to you.
This library is under MIT License. Meaning that you can decide to take this library for your own things and customize it as you need, so long as you follow the license's requirements