Mod focused on providing an interactive terminal application where you can alter current weathers of the moons with Company CreditsWeather Probe
A Mod which focuses on providing an interactive terminal application where you can change any available moon's weather to your liking so long you have enough Company Credits to purchase the probe.
- You can configure how many Company Credits it costs to purchase a weather probe which will randomize the selected moon's weather.
- You can configure how many Company Credits it costs to purchase a weather probe for the selected moon with a specified weather.
- You can configure wether you want a "Random Weather prompt" or a clear weather prompt instead.
- CSync is used for configuration synchronization.
How to access the mod's content
- In the terminal, typing:
probe help
will display the relevant information about extending deadline of current quotaprobe
will display an interactive terminal application where it displays all available moons and you can select which one you want to change the weather of. After selecting, you will have the available weathers allowed by the moon to change to (and the random prompt if enabled in the configuration). After selecting a prompt, a price will be displayed and asking for confirmation which then after confirmed changes the weather of the moon to the requested one.
This mod is under MIT License. Meaning that you can decide to take this mod for your own things and customize it as you need, so long as you follow the license's requirements