
My first mod, featuring some useful utilities, all customisable in the configs.
All settings are synced with the host's settings.


  • Shop item and decoration prices can be customised (along with the signal translator)
  • The cooldowns for the Teleporter and Inverse Teleporter can be customised

Planned Features

  • Customising prices for the other ship upgrades (The Teleporter, Inverse Teleporter and Loudhorn are implemented weirdly and so i haven't been able to modify their cost yet)
  • The ability to pay to respawn players, including options to have the prices increase each time a player respawns, resetting the cost each quota etc. This feature is mostly designed with the Permadeath mod in mind, but could work without it
  • A patch for the Permadeath mod to fix players being able to leave & rejoin to bypass the death system
  • A patch for enemies to prevent them from pathing into entrance/fire exit rooms unless a player is there (or an item for hoarding bugs), as well as preventing landmines and turrets from spawning in those entrances

Default config values

Right now, the default config values for the shop prices all match the vanilla prices. The same goes for the teleporter and inverse teleporter cooldown respectively (10 seconds and 330 seconds)

Known issues

  • All players must have the mod. Any players without the mod will be subject to the default shop prices / teleporter cooldowns. If the host's config aims to make stuff more expensive / have a longer cooldown, not having the mod can be used to bypass it
  • The Teleporter, Inverse Teleporter and Loud Horn prices do not change when configured, it is something something i am still working on
  • The Signal Translator will show the default price, but when you select it, it will show the correct adjusted price on the pay-confirmation screen


  • BetterStamina by FlipMods, for seeing how to make configs for all clients sync with the host, without needing another mod
  • StorePrices by GMODS, for seeing how to edit the store prices. StorePrices however is client-side, and can therefore be used to cheat, hence why i made this version that syncs with the host's settings
  • BetterTeleporters by SirTyler, for seeing how to edit the teleporter cooldown time


  • v1.0.4 Fixed bug regarding terminal crash
  • v1.0.3 Cleaned up Thunderstore page information
  • v1.0.2 Cleaned up the code more and added a proper description, added more items to be sold.
  • v1.0.1 Fixed Thunderstore upload.
  • v1.0.0 Initial upload.
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