BrutalCompany like mod built on top of BrutalCompanyMinus with a focus on chaos. Currently WIP.Chaotic Company WIP
This mod is required on all clients
Comes with modded events that only appear with said mods installed
Intended to offer a slighlty different experience than brutal company minus that's more friendly to big mod packs, notable changes are:
New non-monster events (more planned)
Significantly altering monster related events.
- Horde-style events and monster removal events have been removed
- monsters added through events will now only spawn indoors or outdoors based on their default spawn Location
- specific monster spawn events have been replaced with general spawn events to hide monster types.
Note that all event related configs are gone currently since I didn't feel like making sure they worked and I want to rework them a bit. They will be back at some point soon.
For those seeking high configurability, I recommend using the original mod available here:
Event Mechanics
Whenever you land on a moon, a couple of events will be chosen (Between 2 to 5 by default), these events will appear in the UI in the top right hand corner of your screen, this can be open and closed by pressing 'k' and scrolled by pressing arrow buttons on the keyboard or a custom set value in the config.
Events will come in 5 main types depending on expected difficulty they present, they are:
Weather Multipliers
Weathers will now come with scrapValue and scrapAmount multipliers.
These will also be displayed ingame on the terminal in this format (xScrapValue, xScrapAmount) as such
You can also enable randomize weather multipliers in the config, which will give abit of rng to the weathers after every day.
Default multiplier values goes as follows, these can be changed in the config.
WARNING: Setting a factory size value below 1.00 may crash your game
Weather | Scrap value | Scrap amount |
None | 1.00 | 1.00 |
DustClouds | 1.05 | 1.00 |
Rainy | 1.05 | 1.00 |
Stormy | 1.35 | 1.25 |
Foggy | 1.15 | 1.10 |
Flooded | 1.25 | 1.15 |
Eclipsed | 1.35 | 1.25 |
Difficulty Scaling
- This mod will scale from certain factors, it can scale from Days Passed, Scrap In Ship, Moon Risk, Weather and Quota, by default Days Passed, Scrap In Ship and Moon Risk are used, these can all be configured in the config.
- Everything scales off of a number called difficulty, by default difficulty caps at 100.
Source | Multiplier/Additonal | Cap | Enabled by default? |
Days Passed | x1 | 60 | True |
Scrap In Ship | x0.0025 | 30 | True |
Moon Grade | D:-8, C:-8, B:-4, A:+5, S:+10, S+:+15, S++:+20, S+++:+30, Other:+10 | None | True |
Quota | x0.005 | 100 | False |
Weather | None:+0, Rainy:+2, Flooded:+4, Foggy:+4, Stormy:+7, Eclipsed:+7 | None | True |
- All events scale off of difficulty, event type chances scale off of difficulty and alot more.
- This is what can be shown in the UI
Terminal Commands
- The mod has commands that only host can use, to display all commands type 'mhelp' into the terminal.
- When forcing an event with mevent eventName, it is currently recommended to force only one event per moon
- Example of 'mevents' command.
- Example of 'mevents nutcracker' command.
- Example of 'mevent hell hell nutcrack' command.
- Example of 'menemies' command.
Event List
- List of all events in corresponding types
Name | Description |
Big Bonus | Large sum of credis |
Scrap Galore | Increased scrap value and amount |
Golden Bars | Only golden bars will spawn on the map |
Big Delivery | Spawns a shipment with a bunch of items |
Plenty Outside Scrap | Spawns scrap outside |
Black Friday | Everything will go on sale |
Name | Description |
Bounty | Killing enemies will now reward credits |
Bonus | Sum of credits |
Smaller Map | Reduces factory size |
More Scrap | Increased scrap amount |
Higher Scrap Value | Increased scrap value |
Golden Facility | Only spawns Goldencup, Ring, Goldbar, Fancylamp, Perfumebottle, Painting and Cashregister on the map |
Dentures | Only spawns teeth on the map |
Pickles | Only spawns pickles on the map |
Honk | Only spawns horns on the map |
Transmute Scrap Small | Takes any one-handed scrap in map scrap pool and only spawns that |
Small Delivery | Spawns a shipment with some items |
Scarce Outside Scrap | Spawns scrap outside |
Fragile Enemies | Decreases enemy hp |
Full Access | All doors are unlocked and open and big doors are all unlocked, prevents facility ghost. |
Full Access Lite | All doors are unlocked and all big doors are open, prevents facility ghost. |
Early Ship | Time will start earlier |
More exits | Spawns entrances and exits |
Holiday Season | Turns scrap into mystery boxes and eggs |
Name | Description |
Nothing | Nothing |
Trees | Spawns Trees |
Leafless Brown Trees | Spawns trees without leaves |
Leafless Trees | Spawns spooky trees |
Gloomy | Makes the atmosphere foggy |
Rainy | Makes it rain (No mud) |
Heavy Rain | Makes the atmosphere rainy, flooded and stormy. Triple rain. |
Passive Monster | Spawns at least one passive enemy of one type |
Double Passive Monster | Spawns at least one of each of two passive enemy types, with a chance for more of any of the selected types |
Name | Description |
Landmines | Increased rates of landmines inside |
Turrets | Increased rates of turrets inside |
Facility Ghost | The ghost can open/close bigdoors and doors, mess with lights, mess with the breaker and can lock/unlock doors(Rare) |
Outside Turrets | Spawns turrets outside, comes with Trees |
Outside Landmines | Spawns Landmines outside |
Grabbable Turrets | Turns some of the turrets on the map into scrap |
Grabbable Mines | Turns some of the mines on the map into scrap |
Shipment Fees | Any shipment's on given moon will deduct credits as a fee |
Strong Enemies | Increases enemy hp |
Reality Warp | Attempting to grab scrap will make it transform into something else, sometimes a landmine or turret |
Spike Traps | Will spawn spike traps inside |
Late Ship | Time will start a little later |
Sealed In | Behaves like we need to go deeper. The only way in is through the main entrance, and the only way out is through a fire exit. All doors inside are open or unlocked |
Teleport All Inside | 15 seconds after pulling the lever, all players will be teleported inside as if using an inverse teleporter. All doors inside are open or unlocked |
Block Walkie | Disables the use of walkie-talkies |
Random Monster | Spawns at least one of any enemy of one type |
Bad Monster | Spawns at least one dangerous enemy of one type |
Name | Description |
Chinese Produce | Decreased Scrap Value but Increased Scrap Amount |
Transmute Scrap Big | Takes any two-handed scrap in map scrap pool and only spawns that |
War Zone | Acts as Quad event including Turrets, Landmines, Outside Turrets and Outside Landmines and will also come with artillery fire!! |
AllWeather | Acts as Eclipsed, Stormy, Flooded and Raining all in one day |
Terrible Monster | Spawns at least one very dangerous enemy of one type |
Double Bad Monster | Spawns at least one of each of two dangerous enemy types, with a chance for more of any of the selected types |
Double Terrible Monster | Spawns at least one of each of two very dangerous enemy types, with a chance for more of any of the selected types |
Double Random Monster | Spawns at least one of each of two random enemy types, with a chance for more of any of the selected types |
Triple Random Monster | Spawns at least one of each of three random enemy types, with a chance for more of any of the selected types |
Vocal Distortion | At random intervals players voices will be distorted for a random length of time. Eventually will include partially jumbling text chat as well. |
Modded Event List
- These events will only appear with said mods installed
- Currently supported mods are Lethalthings, Diversity, Scopophobia, HerobrineMod, SirenHead, RollingGiant, TheFiend, Lockers, TheGiantSpecimens, Football, Mimics, LCGoldScrapMod, Toilhead, Moonswept, ShockwaveDrones, FacelessStalker, EmergencyDice and Peepers
- Note that previous events that were here in Brutal Company Minus related to spawning specific enemies have been rolled into the monster events in the vanilla section. They are included in the spawn list if the related mod is detected.
Name | Description |
CityOfGold | Will only spawn golden scrap |
Name | Description |
Dice | Only spawns various dice |
Name | Description |
None | None |
Name | Description |
TeleporterTraps | Spawns teleporters traps inside |
Mimics | Increased mimics amount |
Name | Description |
Bad Dice | Only spawns bad dice |
Weather config
Location: BrutalCompanyMinus\Weather_Settings.cfg
Enable Weather Multipliers
: Enable weather multipliers?
Enable Terminal Text
: Enable terminal text?
Randomize Weather Multipliers
: This will randomize ScrapValue and ScrapAmount multipliers for every weather after every day.
Random Weather Multiplier Min Inclusive
: Lower bound of random value for ScrapValue and ScrapAmount.
Random Weather Multiplier Max Inclusive
: Upper bound of random value for ScrapValue and ScrapAmount.
Value Multiplier
: Multiply scrap value by.
Amount Multiplier
: Multiply scrap amount by.
Value Multiplier
: Multiply scrap value by.
Amount Multiplier
: Multiply scrap amount by.
UI config
Location: BrutalCompanyMinus\UI_Settings.cfg
UI Key
: They key used to toggle the UI.
Normalize Scrap Value Display
: In game default scrap value multiplier is 0.4, having this enabled will multiply the display value by 2.5 to make it look normal.
Enable UI
: Enable UI?
Show UI Letter Box
: Show UI Letter box that contains the key?
Show Extra Properties
: Show additional info in the UI that is DaysPassed, ScrapValue, ScrapAmount, FactorySize, SpawnChance, SpawnCap and BonusEnemyHp
Pop Up UI
: Will the UI popup when landing on a new moon?
UI Time
: The time the UI will appear for when popped up.
Scroll speed
: Speed on scrolling on UI when scrolling using arrows on keyboard.
Display UI after ship leaves?
: Display events only after ship leaves?
Display extra properties on UI after ship leaves?
: Display extra properties such as eventType chances and difficulty after ship leaves?
Display events
: Display events? or keep them hidden...