An RDCworld1 themed cosmetics addon for MoreCompany.Ver 1.0.16: Replaced Tony's hair because of a visual glitch
Ver 1.0.15: Added some friends of RDC (Tony and Berleezy) and fixed broken suits still having helmet
Ver 1.0.14: Fixed default orange suit, it should have the head back on it. For using the RDC heads, use 'Old Default' if you want the orange suit
Ver 1.0.13: Added Mauri NNW
Ver 1.0.12: Added some dependencies
Ver 1.0.11: Redid the shaders/textures on the heads, so they no longer glow in the dark, but are still scuffed looking (I am keeping them scuffed, I think it fits the game's aesthetic and charm)
Ver 1.0.10: Added some hats
Ver 1.0.9: Added SuitSaver mod by Hexnet111 and Emblem by Darkbrewery as dependencies, so users won't have to keep putting on suits after equipping one once. New RDC themed main menu video/theme and logo added
Ver 1.0.8: Removed helmet and oxygen tank from BMO suit
Ver 1.0.7: Cleaned up custom suits, old ones were a bit more scuffed
Ver 1.0.6: added LethalPosters as a dependency and added RDC posters/images to the ship
Ver 1.0.5: added TooManySuits by Verity and MoreSuits by x753 as dependencies
Ver 1.0.4: fixed suits not being kept in 'moresuits' subfolder