
This is a heavily de-bloated fork of LethalExpansion down to the very core (adding scraps and moons with LethalSDK modules). It acts as a simple library and does not add any features on its own*. This is a drop in replacement for LethalExpansion and should be compatible with any mod relying on it. This is fully "compatible" with LethalExpansion, when both of the plugins are installed at the same time LethalExpansion will automatically be disabled unless the UseOriginalLethalExpansion setting is set to true in which case LethalExpansionCore will be disabled instead

*There may still be some parts which are not required but the vast majority has been removed (I just haven't figured out what everything does yet)

The default modules from LethalExpansion are available in a separate package if you want or need them!


  • Support to load modules made with LethalSDK to add new scraps and moons.


  • IgnoreRequiredBundles: Whether or not to allow a bundle to load without its required bundles, default true
  • UseOriginalLethalExpansion: Whether or not to use the original LethalExpansion instead of LethalExpansionCore when they are both loaded, default false
  • LoadDefaultBundles: Whether or not to load the default bundles from LethalExpansion when both LethalExpansion and LethalExpansionCore are present, default false
  • ExcludedMoons: Comma separated list of LethalExpansion based moons to exclude from the game, use hidden (without ) to remove all the hidden moons (for better LLL compatibility), default hidden`
  • ExcludedScrap: Comma separated list of LethalExpansion based scrap to exclude from the game`


  • 1.3.15
    • Fixed noisemaker (Thanks BuffMage)
    • Added a new setting ShowVersionNumberOnMainMenu (Thanks Masterscape)
  • 1.3.14
    • Fixed fire exits not working properly on misconfigured moons
    • Fixed compatibility with LethalLevelLoader moons (for instance E Gypt)
    • Added the ability to exclude specific moons and scrap in the config
  • 1.3.13
    • Fixed vanilla scrap not spawning on custom moons
  • 1.3.12
    • Fixed an issue which resulted in a black screen when starting the game
  • 1.3.11
    • Full support for the latest LethalSDK version
    • Fixed custom scrap not always spawning on custom moons
  • 1.3.10
    • Fixed moons with misconfigured entrances not loading properly
    • Fixed entrance desync on moons with misconfigured entrances
  • 1.3.9
    • LethalLevelLoader compatibility hotfix
  • 1.3.8
    • Fixed dungeon desync in online mode which caused players to fall into the void or have a different dungeon layout than the host
    • Fixed fire exits not working properly when the map is misconfigured and has duplicate entrance ids, it will no longer generate fire exits for entrances which has an id of another entrance
    • Improved compatibility with other mods by adding moons and items earlier in the process
  • 1.3.7
    • Fixed fire exits not working properly
    • Fixed entrance desync which caused
      • Mobs to ignore clients in the dungeon
      • Lightning strikes inside the dungeon
      • Probably a whole lot of other issues
  • 1.3.6
    • Added "compatibility" with LethalExpansion, when both of the plugins are installed at the same time LethalExpansion will automatically be disabled unless the UseOriginalLethalExpansion setting is set to true in which case LethalExpansionCore will be disabled instead. This means you can now have both as dependencies without any issues!


All credit goes to the original mod and its creator!

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