Tweak the behavior of Belt BagsBagConfig
Tweak the behavior of the Belt bag.
- Set the max amount of items in the bag
- Set what items can be put in the bag
- Set the range form where you can grab items
- Limit how many items of a type you can store
- Ensure other users in your lobby cannot exceed the settings you chose.
- Apparatus grab will trigger the facility shutdown
- as vanilla, prevent Maneater from being grabbed as it will soft-lock the lobby
- Apply correct Vertical Offset of items that are dropped from the bag ( partial will not work for Cruiser )
Additional Features:
- HUD warning on Full bag or Item not allowed
- Empty bag interaction
All keybinds use the vanilla system so Item Secondary use
for grab and Item Tertiary use
for empty!
- Misc Settings:
- Limit Settings:
- example configuration of custom categories:
- example configuration of custom categories:
- Host Settings: