The Nutcracker Only Mod (Made for the 10 Quota League)

This mod is one of the most fun mods I have made in a second, I was asked by the Ten Quota League to make a Nutcracker Only mod and after a bounce around of ideas with other creators in the league we came up with this.

Enemy Spawns

In this mod though it says nutcracker only, only having nutcrackers is inherently boring so there is a chance of having different enemies. The spawn chances are spoiled below.

! 90% Nutcracker, 8% Bracken, 2% CoilHead, 1% Ghost Girl.

  • Experimentation/Assurance/Vow push spawn curve four hours into the future with the idea of these are the moons to get an early shotgun
  • Offense/Adamance due to the increased power levels of these moons I have only moved one point of the curve closer meaning that if you stay long on these moons you will gain more value from them
  • March has the same principle as the moons above HOWEVER on this moon outside nutcrackers spawn throughout the day making the march forests into a WW1 battleground
  • Rend now has an immediate spawning nutcrackers that make it fierce it could be a play as the first mansion map
  • Dine now has immediate spawning nutcrackers but with the spawn rate even higher that Rend the mineshaft tunnels of Dine could actually be a savior if you are out a few bucks
  • TITAN - Titan is a moon that could possibly take on Artifice with this pack when it comes to speed and dropping it is the second-fastest moon when it comes to spawning.
  • Artifice - Artifice has been made into the most insane moon due to the fact it's supposed to be the maximum amount of scrap you can get
    • Artifice's first change is a now max power level of 24 meaning a lot of nuts considering how nuts the next change is.
    • Artifice now has the highest spawning level compared to how quiet it usually is.

Scrap Spawns

In this mod the premise behind nutcracker only also means that the only scrap you can get in value is from shotguns, but instead of just removing all scrap(which would've been boring) I decided to add easter eggs into the mix that have 0 value, use them to kill nutcrackers, figure out the perfect egg manipulator to load eggs that blow up and or maybe send your friend into a pit on "accident".

Changes to Nutcrackers

The changes to nutcrackers are simple, an anti-fun problem I found is the fact that shells could keep you stocked up always and just infinitely shooting without consequence EVEN with an infinite amount of shotguns, so I decided to remove the shell spawns and spawn in more fun easter eggs for more explosive power!


Having an eclipsed moon is real fun BUT what if instead of regular outside enemies we bring the nutcrackers outside! Ultimate fun AND makes the idea to go to eclipsed moons the play to go to, go fight the ground war in the Nutfilled fields of Embrion or maybe offense!

Easter eggs

there may be some intentional easter eggs with easter eggs maybe you can find it out

Thank you!

If you decided to give the mod a try thank you very much! I had a very fun time making it and playing it with my friends!!!! Also this is based on my idea of Nutcrackers only which might not match yours which I think is fine! thank ya!

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