Adds the Minecraft Taiga biome as a new moonMinecraft Taiga Moon
This mod adds one new moon --- the Taiga. It was made by modifying a small portion of a naturally generated spruce forest in Minecraft to add doors for a main entrance and 3 fire exits.
The workflow for creating these Minecraft-moons was created by me, and can be found in the Lethal Company Modding Discord under "Minecraft Maps" in the development resources channel.
- IAmBatby for creating LethalLevelLoader and the CreativeContentConverter used to port from LethalExpansion/LethalSDK
- HolographicWings for creating LethalSDK used for the original version of this mod
- mbanders for the Minecraft planet texture
- Minecraft for all of the textures and models and whatnot
- Mineways for letting me export the Minecraft world into a 3D model