Adds Sephiroth's boss music as a song that plays for the snail. Can configure to only play when looking at the snail and/or when snail can see you.Play One Winged Angel boss music when looking at the snail
Adds Sephiroth's boss music to the ImmortalSnail when the snail can see you and/or when you can see the snail (configurable).
Config options
- AudioFilePath : Lets you set a file path to the audio file you want to play (default=bossMusic.wav). A relative path can be set here to go a few folders back.
- PlayWhenSnailSeeTargetedPlayer : Play the audio file when the snail can see the player (default=false). Can be combined with PlayWhenLookingAtSnail.
- PlayWhenLookingAtSnail : Play the audio file when player can see the snail (default=true).
- Distance : Play the music only when the player is looking at a certain distance of the snail (also used for snail seeing the player). (default=20)
- PauseWhenNotLooking : Whether to pause the music when not looking at the snail or snail is not looking at player, or stop it and start it over again when looking again. true = Pause, false = Stop. (default=true)
- MusicVolume : Configure the volume of the music (value must be between 0 and 1). (default=1)
This mod is an edited version of DarkSoulsSnail from :