A preload patcher that injects *blank* Unity Event methods, or really any method name, onto mod-requested objects for use with typical MonoMod patching.Instance Method Injector Preloader
A Preload Patcher that adds blank-public-instance methods as requested by any mods utilizing an assembly attribute into 'Assembly-CSharp.dll', primarily for relaying default Unity Messages such as Awake, Start, OnEnable, OnCollision, etc.. This is only needed when the target object you're patching doesn't contain a definition for a typical Unity Method as listed here.
How to Create Methods
First include a reference to the dll located under your profile: BepInEx/patchers/Daydream.InstanceMethodInjector
. At the top of your Plugin.cs
, or whatever file you use as your main BepInPlugin, ensuring you're outside of the scope of any namespaces, you'll add your method requirements.
using Daydream.InstanceMethodInjector;
[assembly: RequiresMethod(typeof(SomeTypeInAssemblyCSharp), "OnMessageName")]
If the message requires parameters then you can continue inserting typeof(xyz)
statements in the params as follows:
[assembly: RequiresMethod(typeof(SomeTypeInAssemblyCSharp), "OnMessageName", typeof(string), typeof(Action<string, bool>))]
These methods turn into the following code snippets, respectively:
public override void OnMessageName()
public override void OnMessageName(string pString, Action<string, bool> pAction)
Naming of Parameters
You can see the methods you've created in dnSpy by opening /BepInEx/cache/Assembly-CSharp.dll
, but generally your parameter names will be p[TypeNamePascalCase]
and in the event of multiple parameters of the same type they will be formatted as p[TypeNamePascaleCase]_0
, with the last number incrementing per parameter of that type.