
  • Scales anything or valuables in the cart.
  • All players need to have the same config!
  • Supports REPOLib.


  • General:
    • Use Mass Scaling: If enabled, valuables will scale based on their mass. If disabled, valuables will scale based on their valuable setting.
    • Revert Back To Original Scale: If enabled, valuables will revert to their original scale when not in the cart. If disabled, valuables will remain at their modified scale.
    • Scale Everything: If enabled, every grabbable object will be scaled. If disabled, only valuables will be scaled.
    • Scale Speed: The speed at which valuables scale down/up per update. Higher values make valuables shrink/expand faster.
  • Mass Scaling:
    • Default Scale: Default scale factor if no mass threshold is exceeded.
    • Scale Factors: Scaling factors for mass >= values. Format: mass=scale, separated by commas.
  • Modded Valuable Scaling: Same as Valuable Scaling but for REPOLib valuables.
  • Valuable Scaling: Controls the scaling factor for each valuable based on its scale.
    • Scale: Determines the scale factor for each valuable.

Possible bugs

A mod that allows you to join an on-going game.

Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.
Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.
Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.