Scales anything or valuables in the cart. Supports REPOLib and is highly configurable.ScaleInCart
- Scales anything or valuables in the cart.
- All players need to have the same config!
- Supports REPOLib.
- General:
- Use Mass Scaling: If enabled, valuables will scale based on their mass. If disabled, valuables will scale based on their valuable setting.
- Revert Back To Original Scale: If enabled, valuables will revert to their original scale when not in the cart. If disabled, valuables will remain at their modified scale.
- Scale Everything: If enabled, every grabbable object will be scaled. If disabled, only valuables will be scaled.
- Scale Speed: The speed at which valuables scale down/up per update. Higher values make valuables shrink/expand faster.
- Mass Scaling:
- Default Scale: Default scale factor if no mass threshold is exceeded.
- Scale Factors: Scaling factors for mass >= values. Format:
, separated by commas.
- Modded Valuable Scaling: Same as Valuable Scaling but for REPOLib valuables.
- Valuable Scaling: Controls the scaling factor for each valuable based on its scale.
- Scale: Determines the scale factor for each valuable.
Possible bugs
A mod that allows you to join an on-going game.