A mod library with developer friendly syntax with the goal of simplifying writing repetitive and ugly code.R.E.P.O Mod Library
The R.E.P.O Mod Library is a mod library for the game R.E.P.O, designed to provide a comprehensive set of utility functions and shared data management for modding the game. Created by Lillious & .Zer0, this library offers extensive control over player mechanics, game state tracking, and system interactions.
Supports the latest version of R.E.P.O
Compatible with MelonLoader v0.7.0 modding framework
Compatibility may vary with BepInEx modding framework using the BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader plugin
Currently still in early development, so expect missing features and bugs
Key Features
The R.E.P.O Mod Library provides a comprehensive set of utilities that enable:
Scene Management
- Multi-scene Architecture: Support for different game environments including main menu, lobby, shop, arena, and truck lobby with state tracking
- Level Management: Tools for managing and accessing both gameplay and menu levels
- Map Control: Direct access to map objects and their controllers for environmental manipulation
Player Systems
- Movement Mechanics: Configurable movement speeds for walking, sprinting, and crouching
- Energy System: Customizable energy mechanics with adjustable maximum capacity and sprint drain rates
- Gravity Manipulation: Special movement abilities including anti-gravity effects and custom gravity settings
Enemy Control
- Enemy Management: Functions to count, freeze, or disable enemies across the level
- Controller Access: Ability to manipulate enemy controllers for gameplay adjustments
System Architecture
- Manager Framework: Centralized access to critical game systems including:
- Stats tracking
- Run management
- Graphics settings
- Gameplay rules
- Asset management
- Audio control
- Network functionality
- Steam Integration: Support for Steam player identification
Game State Utilities
- State Tracking: Comprehensive tracking of game state across different scenes and modes
- Level Generation: Access to level generation systems for dynamic content creation
Player Data
- Player Information Persistence: Mechanisms to maintain player data across different game states
- Player Stats Customization: Tools for modifying player capabilities and performance
- Install this nuget package to your project
- import the library into your mod
Usage Example
using MelonLoader;
using Repo_ExampleMod;
using Repo_Library;
// MelonInfo attribute to define the mod information
[assembly: MelonInfo(typeof(Example), "R.E.P.O Example Mod", "1.0.0", "Example")]
// MelonGame attribute to specify the game the mod is for
[assembly: MelonGame("semiwork", "REPO")]
// Namespace for the mod
namespace Repo_ExampleMod
public class Example : MelonMod
private readonly Library Repo_Lib = new Library();
// Override the unity update method
public override void OnUpdate()
// Check if player is in game
if (!Repo_Lib.IsInGame()) return;
// Get the player controller
PlayerController playerController = Repo_Lib.GetPlayerController();
// Check if player is sprinting
if (Repo_Lib.IsSprinting(playerController))
// Set the sprint energy drain to 0
Repo_Lib.SetSprintEnergyDrain(playerController, 0f);
// Set the player's energy to the max energy
The following provides information about the utility functions available in the game system. These functions are categorized based on their purpose and functionality.
Player Data Management
Function | Description |
SetSteamId(ulong steamId) |
Sets the player's Steam ID |
GetSteamId() |
Returns the player's Steam ID |
GetPlayerController() |
Returns the player's PlayerController instance |
GetPlayerCollision() |
Returns the player's collision component |
SetPlayerCrown(string steamId) |
Updates the player's crown based on the Steam ID |
GetPlayerBySteamId(string steamId) |
Returns the player GameObject based on the Steam ID |
GetPlayerByName(string name) |
Returns the player GameObject based on the player name |
GetPlayerSteamId(PlayerAvatar playerAvatar) |
Returns the Steam ID of the player based from the player avatar |
AreAllPlayersInTruck() |
Checks if all players are in the truck lobby |
Scene State Management
Function | Description |
SetInititialized(bool value) |
Sets the initialization status of the scene |
IsInitialized() |
Checks if the game has been initialized |
SetInMainMenu(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in the main menu |
IsInMainMenu() |
Checks if the player is in the main menu |
SetInLobby(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in the lobby |
IsInLobby() |
Checks if the player is in the lobby |
SetInShop(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in the shop |
IsInShop() |
Checks if the player is in the shop |
SetInArena(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in the arena |
IsInArena() |
Checks if the player is in the arena |
SetInTruckLobby(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in the truck lobby |
IsInTruckLobby() |
Checks if the player is in the truck lobby |
SetInGame(bool value) |
Sets whether the player is in an active game |
IsInGame() |
Checks if the player is in an active game |
GetWindowManager() |
Returns the window manager instance |
GetMenuController() |
Returns the menu controller instance |
Level Management
Function | Description |
SetLevels(List<Level> levels) |
Sets the available game levels |
GetLevels() |
Returns the list of available game levels |
SetMenuLevels(List<Level> levels) |
Sets the available menu levels |
GetMenuLevels() |
Returns the list of available menu levels |
GetMapObject() |
Returns the current map GameObject |
GetMap() |
Returns the Map component controller from the current map |
System Management
Function | Description |
GetStatsManager() |
Returns the stats manager instance |
GetRunManager() |
Returns the run manager instance |
GetGraphicsManager() |
Returns the graphics manager instance |
GetGameplayManager() |
Returns the gameplay manager instance |
GetAssetManager() |
Returns the asset manager instance |
GetAudioManager() |
Returns the audio manager instance |
GetNetworkManager() |
Returns the network manager instance |
SaveGame(string filename) |
Saves the current game state to a file |
LoadGame(string filename) |
Loads a saved game state from a file |
GetRecordingDirector() |
Returns the recording director instance |
GetReverbDirector() |
Returns the reverb director instance |
GetPunManager() |
Returns the PUN manager instance |
GetRoundDirector() |
Returns the round director instance |
GetShopManager() |
Returns the shop manager instance |
GetSpectateCamera() |
Returns the spectate camera instance |
GetGameDirector() |
Returns the GameDirector component from the current map |
GetPostProcessing() |
Returns the PostProcessing component for the current map |
GetLevelGenerator() |
Returns the level generator GameObject |
GetLightManager() |
Returns the light manager instance |
IsMultiplayer() |
Checks if the game is in multiplayer mode |
IsMasterClient() |
Checks if the player is the master client in multiplayer mode |
GetAllPlayers() |
Returns a list of all players in the game |
GetPlayerCount() |
Returns the current number of players in the game |
Enemy Management
Function | Description |
GetEnemyCount() |
Returns the current number of enemies in the level |
GetEnemies() |
Returns a list of all enemies in the current level |
FreezeEnemies(bool freeze) |
Freezes or unfreezes all enemies in the current level by toggling their controller components |
DisableEnemies(bool disable) |
Disables or enables all enemies in the current level (note: some enemies might be reactivated by the game) |
DrawLineToEnemy() |
Draws a line from the player to all enemies in the level and displays distance |
ClearEnemyLines() |
Clears all enemy lines drawn by DrawLineToEnemy() |
SetEnemies(GameObject[] enemies) |
Sets the list of enemies in the current level |
GetEnemies() |
Returns the list of enemies in the current level |
SpawnEnemy(Enemy enemy) |
Spawns an enemy in the level |
Item Management
Function | Description |
GetItemsInMap() |
Returns a list of items in the map |
SetDisableItemDurability() |
Disables durability of all items in the map |
SetEnableItemDurability() |
Enables durability of all items in the map |
SpawnItem(GameObject item, Vector3 position) |
Spawns an item at the specified position (AssetManager.instance.surplusValuableSmall) |
SetItems(GameObject[] items) |
Sets the list of items in the map |
GetItems() |
Returns the list of items in the map |
DrawLineToItem() |
Draws a line from the player to all items in the map and displays distance |
ClearItemLines() |
Clears all item lines drawn by DrawLineToItem() |
BuyAllItems() |
Buys all items in the shop |
AddItem(string item) |
Adds an item to the player's inventory |
GetValuableDirector() |
Returns the valuable director instance |
UpgradeItemBattery(GameObject item) |
Upgrades the battery of the specified item |
Player Control
Function | Description |
RespawnPlayer(PlayerController playerController) |
Instantly moves the player to a default spawn point (0, 0, -21) |
TeleportPlayer(PlayerController playerController, Vector3 position) |
Teleports the player to a specified position |
DestroyObject() |
Destroys breakable objects close to the player |
SetPlayerAvatar(GameObject playerAvatar) |
Sets the player's avatar GameObject |
GetPlayerAvatar() |
Returns the player's avatar GameObject |
GetPlayerAvatarComponent() |
Returns the player's avatar component |
GetPlayerVoice() |
Returns the player's voice component |
GetPlayerVoiceChat() |
Returns the player's voice chat component |
Player Stats Management
Function | Description |
SetPlayerCurrentEnergy(PlayerController playerController, float energy) |
Sets the player's current energy level |
SetPlayerMaxEnergy(PlayerController playerController, float energy) |
Sets the player's maximum energy capacity |
GetPlayerMaxEnergy(PlayerController playerController) |
Gets the player's maximum energy capacity |
SetSprintEnergyDrain(PlayerController playerController, float energy) |
Sets the energy drain rate when sprinting |
SetCrouchSpeed(PlayerController playerController, float speed) |
Sets the player's movement speed while crouching |
GetMovementSpeed(PlayerController playerController) |
Gets the player's normal movement speed |
SetMovementSpeed(PlayerController playerController, float speed) |
Sets the player's normal movement speed |
SetSprintSpeed(PlayerController playerController, float speed) |
Sets the player's sprint movement speed |
GetSprintSpeed(PlayerController playerController) |
Gets the player's sprint movement speed |
IsSprinting(PlayerController playerController) |
Checks if the player is currently sprinting |
SetSprinting(PlayerController playerController, bool value) |
Forces the player's sprint state on or off |
SetSpeedUpgradeAmounts(PlayerController playerController, int amount) |
Sets the number of speed upgrades the player has |
GetCustomGravity(PlayerController playerController) |
Gets the custom gravity value for the player |
SetCustomGravity(PlayerController playerController, float gravity) |
Sets a custom gravity value for the player |
AntiGravity(PlayerController playerController, float time) |
Applies anti-gravity effect to the player for the specified duration |
HealPlayer(GameObject playerAvatar, int health) |
Heals the player by the specified amount |
HealPlayerMax(GameObject playerAvatar) |
Heals the player to full health |
DamagePlayer(GameObject playerAvatar, int damage) |
Damages the player by the specified amount |
GetPlayerMaxHealth() |
Gets the player's maximum health |
GetPlayerHealth() |
Gets the player's current health |
SetPlayerHealth(int health) |
Sets the player's current health |
ResetStats() |
Resets the player's stats to default values |
SetCurrency(int currency) |
Sets the player's currency amount |
SetGodMode(bool on) |
Sets the player's god mode on or off |
GetPlayerUpgrades(string steamId) |
Returns the player's upgrade data based on the Steam ID |
UpgradePlayerJump(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's jump ability |
UpgradePlayerEnergy(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's energy capacity |
UpgradePlayerGrabRange(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's grab range |
UpgradePlayerGrabStrength(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's grab strength |
UpgradePlayerHealth(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's health capacity |
UpgradePlayerSprintSpeed(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's sprint speed |
UpgradePlayerThrowStrength(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's throw strength |
UpgradePlayerTumbleLaunch(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player's tumble launch ability |
UpgradeMapPlayerCount(string steamId) |
Upgrades the player count for the map |