HunterAudioMod v1.0.0


  • The damn Huntsman always sneaks up behind me and shoots me without making a sound, so I specifically added some sound effects for him: when he's patrolling, he plays some of Cypher's voice lines, like "Where are you?" XD. When he spots you and enters combat mode, he plays the LC's Nutcracker angry muisc. Hope you like it~
  • 该死的男枪老是偷偷从背后开冷枪,所以我特地为他加了一些音效.当他在巡逻时,会念瓦中保安的一些台词(英文版,找不到国服的音频资源). 当他进入战斗模式后,会播放致命公司中胡桃夹子的战斗音乐.以此来引起大家的注意,希望大家打斗不要再被老六男枪阴了~


  • Place contents in bepinex/plugins folder ,"HunterAudioModAB" must be in the same directory as DLL.

  • 没啥好教的 也没有Config,正常安装正常用即可 注意的是,"HunterAudioModAB" 必须和dll放在一起.


- v1.0.0
	- Release
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