
A portable sound-replacement mod, built to give sound pack creators more control and a more maintainable code base.

For Sound-Pack creators

A simple tutorial to make a sound pack is available in the github wiki. Examples are available as well.

  • Custom File Structure Hierarchy
  • Mapping multiple sounds to the same sounds
  • Sound-packs can create config options just like regular mods
  • Swap out audio clips live based on what is happening in game.

For developers

SoundAPI will eventually contain multiple utilities to help with loading custom sounds. All common use methods are under the SoundAPI class.

Custom Conditions

Here is an example condition.

[SoundAPICondition("LethalCompany:apparatus_state")] // attribute for SoundAPI.RegisterAll function
public class ApparatusStateCondition : Condition {
    public enum StateType {
    internal static bool CurrentApparatusPulled = false;

    public StateType? Value { get; internal set; }

    public override bool Evaluate(IContext context) {
    	StateType state = CurrentApparatusPulled ? StateType.PULLED : StateType.PLUGGED_IN;
    	return state == (Value ?? StateType.PULLED);

// To register all in your assembly (this will respect other soft-dependencies in your mod)

// Or manually (if you need more complex logic)
SoundAPI.RegisterCondition("LethalLevelLoader:dungeon:has_tag", () => new LLLTagCondition<ExtendedDungeonFlow>(() => {
    if (!RoundManager.Instance) return null;
    if (!RoundManager.Instance.dungeonGenerator) return null;
    if (!PatchedContent.TryGetExtendedContent(
        out ExtendedDungeonFlow lllDungeon)
    ) return null;
    return lllDungeon;

Sound-pack creators will use

    "condition": {
        "type": "LethalCompany:apparatus_state"

Because Value is nullable, the sound pack creator does not need to supply a value, and it will default to true. Otherwise, they can manually set it to PLUGGED_IN to check if the apparatus is plugged in. It's recommended to use an enum even if there are currently only two options for forward compatibility.


Mappings are for a mod developer to write a shortcut to one or more sound matches. It's recommended sound pack creators use mappings where possible for forward compatibility (as the mod dev can update the mapping file with a mod update, without the sound pack needing to update.)

To use mappings you need to include a sound_pack.json in your mod zip (this is so SoundAPI loads it automatically, an option to load them via the SoundAPI class may come later). You do not need to include a replacers or sounds folder. A soundapi_mappings.json file then goes in the same folder.

Example soundapi_mappings.json file:

    "FacilityMeltdown:music": [
    "FacilityMeltdown:warning_voice": [

NOTE: The soundapi_mappings.json may change file name later, but compatibility will be retained.

Sound-pack creators will then use your mappings in their replacers. Mappings in matches are prepended with a #.

    "replacements": [
            "matches": "#FacilityMeltdown:music",
            "sounds": [
                    "sound": "meltdown.ogg"

Naming Convention

It's recommended to follow a naming convention for your conditions and mappings. Don't have 1 'part' or more than 3. Each part should be seperated with a colon.

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