A loader for new forms for Kinggrinyov's mods.Overview
A loader for new forms for Kinggrinyov's mods.
Please do not go asking in Kinggrinyov's discord for support with the mod, instead head over to my server.
- Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/kosmicdev
- https://discord.gg/1330studios (My Discord Guild)
- https://discord.gg/PqGjE3NS6G (Kinggrinyov's Discord Guild)
How to add forms
You can create your own forms with this tool: https://github.com/KosmicShovel/Additional-Form-Tool (for support on how to use the tool, please join the discord.) You can put your .form & .kkf files into "./BepInEx/Additional Transformations/"
Special Thanks
- Kinggrinyov
- George Lopez