Project Moon OST for RoR2. Use's MrCounterMax's More OST Mod and built off of Merozero's Library of Ruina OSTScene IDs (level IDs).
Song List(Uses Official OST names):
ID/Name Song
Loadingbasic - Project Moon Logo Ambience
Splash - Project Moon Logo Ambience
Intro - Entrance
Outro - String Theocracy
Title - Lobby
Character select - Neutral04
Logbook - Lobby
Crystalworld - Lobby
Eclipseworld - Story 01
Infinitetowerworld - Warp Train
ID/Name Song
Bazaar - Warp Station, Theme - Retro Time
Distant Roost - Malkuth Battle 1/2
Distant Roost Boss - Malkuth Battle 3
Titanic Plains - Hod Battle 1/2
Titanic Plains Boss - Hod Battle 3
Wetland Aspect - Netzach Battle 1/2
Wetland Aspect Boss - Netzach Battle 3
Abandoned Aqueduct - Tiphereth Battle 1/2
Abandoned Aqueduct Boss - Tiphereth Battle 3
Rallypoint Delta - Chesed Battle 1/2
Rallypoint Delta Boss - Chesed Battle 3
Scorched Acres - Kether Battle 1/2
Scorched Acres Boss - Kether Battle 3
Sundered Groove - Guest Battle 1/2
Sundered Groove Boss - Guest Battle 3
Abyssal Depths - Gebura Battle 1/2
Abyssal Depths Boss - Gebura Battle 3
Siren's Call - Binah Battle 1/2
Siren's Call Boss - Binah Battle 3
Sky Meadow - Yesod Battle 1/2
Sky Meadow Boss - Yesod Battle 3, Children of the City
Commencement - Roland 1/2
Commencement Boss - Roland 3
Bulwark's Ambry - Abnormality First Warning
Void Fields - Hokmah Battle 1/2
A Moment, Fractured - Then is Heard no More
A Moment, Whole - Gone Angels
Glided Coast - From a place of Love
Siphoned Forest - Canto IV Battle Theme A1
Siphoned Forest Boss - Canto IV Battle Theme A2
Aphelian Sanctuary - Canto III Battle Theme C1/2
Aphelian Sanctuary Boss - Canto III Battle Theme D1
Sulfur Pools - Story Alley
Sulfur Pools Boss - Acid Bleeding
Void Locus - Angela 1/2
Planetarium Boss - Angela 3
Verdant Falls - Levianthan
Verdants Falls Boss - Canto VI Battle Theme F
Viscous Falls - Intervallo V-1 Battle Theme A/B
Viscous Falls Boss - Intervallo V-1 Boss Battle Theme
Shattered Abodes - Canto II Battle Theme A1
Shattered Abodes Boss - Canto II Battle Theme A2
Disturbed Impact - Canto IV Battle Theme C1
Disturbed Impact Boss - Canto IV Battle Theme C2
Reformed Altar - Hell's Chicken Story Theme
Reformed Altar Boss - Intervallo I Boss Battle Theme
Treeborn Colony - Casino Story Theme 1/2
Treeborn Colony Boss - Canto II Battle Theme B1/B2
Golden Dieback - Intervallo IV-2 Battle Theme
Golden Dieback Boss - Intervallo IV-2 Boss Battle Theme
Helminth Hatchery - Abnormality Second Warning, Second Warning
Helminth Hatchery Boss - Red Mist, Iron Lotus
Prime Meridian - In Hell We Live, Lament
Catacombs - Intervallo III-2 Battle Theme
Catacombs Boss - Intervallo III-2 Boss Battle Theme
Dry Basin - Canto VII Battle Theme A1
Dry Basin Boss - Canto VII Battle Theme A2
Fogbound Lagoon - Canto IV Battle Theme B1
Fogbound Lagoon Boss - Canto IV Battle Theme B2
Remote Village - Canto IV Battle Theme D1
Remove Village Boss - Canto IV Battle Theme D2
Slumbering Satellite - Canto VII Battle Theme C, Theme02
Slumbering Satellite B - Canto VII Boss Battle 1 Theme, Through Patches of Violet
Forgotten Haven - Between Two Worlds (Realm of Light)
Forgotten Haven Boss - Between Two Worlds (Realm of Darkness)
Simulacrum Stages
Titanic Plains - Hokma Battle 3
Aphelian Sanctuary - Binah Battle 3
Abandoned Aqueduct - Tiphereth Battle 3
Abyssal Depths - Gebura Battle 2
Rallypoint Delta - Chesed Battle 3
Sky Meadow - Yesod Battle 3
Commencement - Roland 2
Other Info
Contact me on discord if you have any problems: Azazlea
Currently uses Mr CounterMax's More OSTs Mod:
Previously used Kyle's Official Soundtrack Plugin:
Built upon the foundation of MeroZero's Library of Ruina OST mod:
Adds custom ost for these modded stages:
- Viliger's Catacombs []
- JaceDaDorito's FogBoundLagoon []
- Viliger's RemoteVillage []
- PlasmaCore3's Forgotten Relics []
- Fixed Catacomb's having their boss song and normal song swapped
- Hopefully fixed Slumbering Satellite
- Actually add music for modded stages
- Fixed your ears blowing up at the start(?)
- Increased the volume of most Library of Ruina songs
- Decreased the volume of Red Mist, the stage 5 Mili songs, and In Hell We Live, Lament
- Upgraded to MrcounterMax's More OSTs Mod (hooray)
- Added music for modded stages (See song list above)
- Increased the volume of all songs because there is now a volume slider (Preset at 0.4)
- Extra Increased the volumes of the following songs:
- In Hell We Live, Lament
- Red Mist
- Iron Lotus
- Acid Bleeding
- Children of the City
- String Theocracy
- Also decreased the volume of the following songs:
- Second Warning
- Abnormality Second Warning
- Extra Increased the volumes of the following songs:
- Added the following songs:
- Story 01
- Theme - Retro Time
- Intervallo III-2 Battle Theme
- Intervallo III-2 Boss Battle Theme
- Canto II Battle Theme C1
- Canto II Battle Theme C1
- Canto IV Battle Theme B1
- Canto IV Battle Theme B2
- Canto IV Battle Theme D1
- Canto IV Battle Theme D2
- Canto VII Battle Theme C
- Theme02
- Canto VII Boss Battle 1 Theme
- Through Patches of Violet
- Between Two Worlds (Realm of Light)
- Between Two Worlds (Realm of Darkness)
- Swapped Eclipse theme to Story01
- Removed the following unused songs:
- Third Warning
- Abnormality Third Warning
- Fixed Tiphereth2 not being on the Song list
- Lower the general volume of the modpack by a tiny smidge
- Especially In Hell We Live, Lament. Forgot to change that before uploading lol