Haseo as a Survivor for Risk Of Rain2Overview
Haseo as a survivor for Risk Of Rain 2! The Terror Of Death is searching for Tri-Edge on Risk Of Rain2!
Instructions for install:
place the dll in your plugins folder or extract to a folder inside plugins.
Hey, if you want to talk, give me a hint for this mod you can DM me on discord, but sorry for my bad english and i hope you enjoy!
- If you found any bugs or just want to get in touch, you can find me here: [email protected]
- V 1.0.0 Posted.
- V 2.0.0 Updated with haseo 2nd and 3rd Skins, haseo EXCEED state now change haseo's skin to X Form. Also some ajusts on audios and skills.
- V 3.0.0 Updated for SOTS.
- V 3.0.1 Fix Justice not firing the projectile.
Special Thanks
- The RoR2 Modding Community
- My Friends
- My Family
Please remember that this mod is FREE and will always be. I made it hoping that you would enjoy and have fun!
-All Models: