Changes the scoreboard a little bit. (Can be configured)BetterScoreboard
Supports Risk of Options.
- Hide Item Tier Counters Below Zero: Determines whether the item tier counters below zero should be hidden.
- Include Untiered Count: Determines whether to include untiered item count to the item tier counters.
- Item Tier Counter Size Increase: Determines how much the text size increases on the X axis, moving to the left.
- Swap Positions Between Texts: Determines whether the money text and item counter text should swap positions.
- Default Currency: Determines the default currency type to display when not hovering over the money text.
- Enable Currency Hover: Determines if the value is displayed when hovering over the money text, based on the 'Hovered Currency' setting.
- Hovered Currency: Determines the currency type to display when hovering over the money text.
- Use Whole Numbers: Determines whether the numbers should display as whole numbers.
- Basic design:
- When hovered over the money text:
- Vanilla tiers:
- Vanilla tiers and few modded tiers from Augmentum:
- Swapped between money text and item counter text:
Reporting bugs
To report any bugs, feel free to join the RoR2 modding Discord server and send me a direct message.