Overhauled DPS Meter back from the good old days. (Can be configured)DPSMeter
Supports Risk of Options.
- Presets: Allows you to save and switch between different configuration settings. This feature is only available with Risk of Options.
- Timespan: Measures how much damage is dealt over a specific duration.
- Toggle Visibility: The keybind to toggle the visibility of the UI.
- Is Visible: Determines whether the UI is currently visible.
- Hide When Chatbox Active: Determines whether to hide the UI when the chatbox is active.
- Hide Background: Determines whether to hide the background of the UI.
- Background Color: Sets the background color for the UI.
- HUD Scaling: Determines if the UI scales according to the setting (Settings -> Video -> HUD Scale).
- Parent: Sets the parent object name of the UI.
- Size: Sets the dimensions for the UI (X and Y).
- Rotation Angles: Sets the rotation angles for the UI (X, Y, and Z).
- Pivot: Sets the pivot points for the UI (X and Y).
- Anchor Position: Sets the anchor positions for the UI (X and Y).
- Anchor Min: Sets the minimum anchor values for the UI (X and Y).
- Anchor Max: Sets the maximum anchor values for the UI (X and Y).
- Text Format: The format for displaying text.
- Text Spacing: Sets the horizontal and vertical text spacing for the UI text.
- Text Alignment: Sets the alignment for the UI text.
- Text Color: Sets the color for the UI text.
- Use Commas: Determines whether numbers are displayed with commas for thousands.
- Use Whole Numbers: Determines whether the numbers should display as whole numbers.
Reporting bugs
To report any bugs, feel free to join the RoR2 modding Discord server and send me a direct message.
Inspired from
Risk of Rain 2 But I Am An Engineer Turret With x10 ALL ITEMS