Holy Crap! Fork is Back!

PSA: As Starstorm 2 became available in the current RoR2 version, I recommend disabling the Fork item of this mod if you're gonna use Starstorm 2.

Uninspired item mod by yours truly.

It currently adds 4 white items (Including 1 Void counterpart!), 1 green item and 3 red items.

Icon Item Tier Description
Fork White Do more damage.
Spoon White Do more damage, stack more damage each time you kill an enemy.
Spork (Void Spoon) Void White Gain cooldown reduction per kill, resets every stage or if you die. Corrupts all Spoons
Knife White Slightly boosts Critical Damage and Critical Chance.
Sharpened Chopsticks Green Boosts Critical Chance and Critical Damage, breaks at low health.
Bulwark Spoon Red Gives Barrier on kill, increases your stats in relation of your current barrier value.
Molten Fork Red Boosts damage against ignited enemies, chance to ignite on hit.
Obsidian Knife Red Increases Critical Damage, Critical hits have a chance to apply Hemorrhage.


  • Configs for Item balance
  • Item display rules
  • BetterUI compat
  • More Items:
    • Knork (Equip)
    • Spife (Lunar Equip)
    • CONCEPT: Sprike, Sporkife, Splayd


  • Starstorm 2: Fork.
  • Starstorm 2 Discord: Concept and Ideas
  • Haku: Modeling, Buff Icons
  • only_going_up_fr0m_here: Modeling, Good vibes
  • Mystic: Hopoo Shader's class
  • borbo & orange_peel: Feedback and ideas
  • Risk of Rain 2 Modding Community: Love you guys, even if you kinda get pissed with my stupid questions <3
  • ImBonkers: Corrected a Spoon digging bug
  • prod: sots fix



  • Fixed up to work with latest game version


  • Fix game crash when loading


  • Fixed mod for SotS
  • Ported mod off VoidItemAPI


  • Fixed mod items so they can be scrapped


  • Buffed Spork to make it inline with his non-void counterpart. Double the CDR! Halve the stacks! Yay! (5% CDR (+5% per stack) with 50 kills)
  • Have fun uh... sporking things


  • Buffed Spoon, +0.02 Base Damage per stack, max stacks reduced to 50, so it stacks faster now. Also now it scales with 25% of player level (This is a buff, it mistakenly said on the description that it scaled with 30% of PL, in reality it scaled with 20% of PL).
  • Have fun digging holes I guess


  • I forgot to rewrite Molten Fork's description lmao
  • Added PSA for Starstorm 2 on Readme


  • Fixed null reference on spoon item (for real this time lol, thanks ImBonkers)
  • Added breaking message on Chopsticks long description
  • Rewrote some long descriptions to improve clarity and include more color coded text


  • Fixed null reference on spoon item
  • Implemented broken chopsticks icon
  • Corrected ""transformation" of sharpened chopsticks


  • Implemented item icons
  • Obsidian knife rebalance
  • Implemented config for toggling items on and off
  • Wrote lore for every item


  • Refactored stack items
  • Applied all in-game models
  • Corrected Obsidian Knife DoT not applying correctly


  • Implemented Red Items: Bulwark Spoon Molten Fork and Obsidian Knife
  • Refactored some CharacterBody variable names
  • Changed the OnCharacterDeath Action to MHOOK one


  • Initial commit, unfinished.
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