The latest 0.1.5 patch was very quick and dirty; I did not manage to do very much testing, so please reach out to bog_rtm on Discord if something is bugged or broken. I have no means of doing multiplayer testing at the moment, so absolutely nothing at all was tested in regards to multiplayer.

I also do not own Seekers of the Storm, so I am unaware if there are any incompatibilities with the new content. Please send me all your feedback and bug reports.

The Mortician

I was listening to Spotify one day when the song Till Death Us Do Part (2019) by Lord Of The Lost came on. I already vaguely had an idea for a necromancer survivor, but that song gave me a sudden flash of inspiration, and immediately popped a more concrete idea into my head. I knew I had to act on it.

So yeah, Mortician was born almost entirely from this one song; if you play him, you gotta listen to it.

Also try this song too.

Actually just make yourself a playlist with Lord Of The Lost, Gothminister, and Deathstars, because that was pretty much all I listened to while making this guy.

• Ghouls hit by your shovel will be launched in the direction that you are facing. You can influence the angle by looking up or down.
• Ghouls don't inherit your items, but they do proc your on-hit effects, and any kill they earn will belong to you.
• Unlike ghouls, your tombstone does inherit your items.
Also I know he's overpowered as shit any semblance of balance is out the window

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Contact Me

For feedback and bug reports, please reach out to bog_rtm on Discord. You can also find me on the official Risk of Rain 2 modding server.


• rob + TheTimeSweeper
    - Providing the Henry character base template

• Groove_Salad
    - Stubbed shader swapper

• KingEnderBrine
    - Item display helper
• Mary, James, tsuyoikenko, F4UXX, donito, TheTimeSweeper
    - Playtesting
• Bog
    - Everything else
SFX sourced from:
    - David Dumais Audio
    - zapsplat.com

Planned Updates

• Mastery skin
• Fix warning spam in multiplayer
• Fix lunar coin, ghor's tome interaction
• Ghoul voice acting
• Alt utility skill
• Alt special skill
• Ancient Scepter compat
• Tombstone item displays
• Tombstone death animation
• Add more custom SFX for the tombstone
• Remake icon for secondary skill

Known Issues

• Warning spam when playing as client in multiplayer
• RiskUI may be causing extreme lag (may be some other mod incompatability?)
• Minions do not stop spinning animation when hitting the ground in multiplayer
• Ghouls spawned from tombstone do nothing under certain circumstances
• Bungus sometimes doesn't work with Tombstone

Icon1 Mortician ortho Ghoul ortho


In the case that this mod becomes deprecated or unplayable, and I have completely disappeared for an extended period of time and cannot be contacted, I grant full permission to update and maintain this mod to anybody who wishes to do so, as long as proper credit is given to myself and all others who have worked on Mortician. I will do my best to keep the github repo updated with all the latest project files.

Support Me


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