
Adds some content

Image Name Short Description Type
dazzled Dazzled Stuns user. Increases incoming damage by 50% (+50% per debuff stack) Debuff
wounded Wounded Increases incoming damage by 10% (+10% per debuff stack) Debuff
medicine Medicine Increases regeneration and healing by 1 (+1 per item stack) and 5% (+5% per item stack) Item
chalk Chalk Increases outcoming damage by 15% (+15% per item stack). Damage increase scales with sinus of current time Item
energised-chocolate-bar Energised Chocolate Bar Increases all statistics by 10% (+10% per item stack). Each stack has a 50% chance to be consumed on next stage Item
opposing-force Opposing Force Reflects 500% (+500% per item stack) damage multiplied to the armor percentage. Gives 2 (+2 per item stack) armor Item
keychain Keychain 5% (+5% per item stack) chance to gain a buff on kill, that increases crit chance by 2.5% (+2.5% per buff stack) and crit damage by 5% (+5% per buff stack) Item
brass-bell Brass Bell Every 15 seconds increases damage by 80% (+80% per item stack) for 1 second and reloads your secondary skill Item
disco-ball Disco Ball Every 20 seconds each enemy has 10% (+10% per item stack hyperbolically) to fall into a dance frenzy for 12 seconds. Dancing enemies cant use theis skills and slowdowned by 70%. Requires either BadassEmotes or Brynza Emotes to be added Item
captured-potential Captured Potential Gives 2 (+1 per item stack) additional equipment slots. Requires ProperSave to be added Item
majestic-hand Majestic Hand Enemies have a 5% (+5% per item stack hyperbolically) chance to die on spawn up to 15%. Enemies receive more damage the weaker they are up to 12% (+12% per item stack) Item
otherworldly-manuscript Otherworldly Manuscript Continiously hitting enemy 7 times explodes them for 150% (+150% per item stack) TOTAL damage and applies 2 (+2 per item stack) amount of Wound for 10 seconds. Recharges in 10 seconds Item
like-a-dragon Like a Dragon 20% to roll for a 20% damage increase upon hitting your foe. Rolls 2 (+2 per item stack) times Item
emergency-medical-treatment Emergency Medical Treatment Increases regen by 5% (+2.5% per item stack) based on maximum health. Fully heals on low health. Recharges in 260 (-15% per item stack) seconds Item
guardian-crown Guardian Crown Enemies have a 20% (+20% per item stack hyperbolically) chance to Dazzle (+1 per item stack) upon attacking for 5 seconds. Proximity increases the chance of Dazzling up to 50% Item
rejected-dagger Rejected Dagger Hitting an enemy deals 50% (+50% per item stack) damage to all enemies on the same team. Damage is divided by victims count Item
skull-gamma-gun Skull Gamma Gun Your gaze damages and irradiates enemies for 200% (+200% per item stack) in 60 (+5 per item stack) angle radius and 32 (+16 per item stack) meters range Item
arch-nemesis-hat Cool Hat Spawns current Arch Nemesis as your minion Item
fragile-gift-box Fragile Gift Box Increases chest contents by 2 (+1 per item stack). Has a 50% chance to give all or nothing. Applies 2 (+1 per item stack) Deep Wound on chest interaction. Deep Wound increases incoming damage by 10% (+10% per Deep Wound stack). Each Deep Wound has 35% chance to be removed on stage enter Lunar Item
enforcer-hand Enforcer Hand On use parry an incoming attack back to the attacker in one second time window. Applies Wound for 10 seconds. Reloads on successful parry. Deals 2x reflected damage, 400% TOTAL damage and 5% attackers max health. Applies 1 amount of Wound for 10 seconds Equipment
necronomicon Necronomicon On use revives last 5 dead enemies to fight on your side. Spawned monsters have 200% more health and 200% more damage. They live for 30 seconds. Equipment
arch-nemesis Arch Nemesis On player death, writes the killer and victims items. Appears as a previous killer with victims items on the stage count player died and higher with 25% (+25% per stage). Appears after 1 loop. Killing Arch Nemesis stops it from appearing. On death has a chance to drop its item Elite
dredged Dredged Dredged enemies can respawn up to 2 times, becoming stronger each death. Appears after 2 stages Elite
brass-modality Brass Modality Brass Modality enemies have a high amount of armor and damage, but they lack attack speed. They apply 5 Wound on hit for 5 seconds multiplied to the proc. Appears after 2 stages Elite
hasting Hasting Hasting enemies have high amount of move and attack speed. They gain more move and attack speed the weaker they are Elite
battle Artifact of Battle Doubles teleporter event zone and increases its time completion to 300 seconds. Every 15 seconds monsters receive 25 director credits. Midway teleporter event gives 2000 director credits one time. Kills recharge 3 seconds of a teleporter event Artifact


Every value can be configurated to your preferences. Each config section has a checkbox to enable config values, otherwise default values would be used. Activation options and |options in these brackets| config values are always taken in effect

How to use Captured Potential

To switch equipments, hold the first key (E by default) and press second key to switch equipment to the next one (Alpha 1 by default) or third key to switch it to the previous one (Alpha 3 by default). You can unbind the first key to always switch equipments on second and third keys press. You can also use your Mouse Wheel to switch equipments forth and back. Controller support is not implemented yet. At the core uses console commands to switch equipments, "EquipArrayIndexUp" to switch forward, "EquipArrayIndexDown" to switch backwards

TO-DO/TO-FIX for 1.0.0

Captured Potential controller support

Add custom elite tiers for elites

UnDeusEx the mod icon and logo

Make elite affixes models to match the base models

Make proper ProperSave soft compatability

Fix whatever makes Defender elite not appear

Add actual textures to the models

Fix models not turning invisible

Add visual effects

Add some or custom soundtrack for Arch Nemesis

Add ability to use Trophy Hunter's Tricorn on Arch Nemesis

Add damage falloff to Skull Gamma Gun

Make immediate teleporter zone increase from Battle Artifact

Mute Brass Bell sound outside of combat when enabled

Finish item displays

Make Dredged elite to actually respawn, not spawn a clone upon death

Expand lore

Correct the text if needed

Localisations if possible

General improvements and balance changes

Resource credits

Brass Bell sound: Minecraft -> note block sounds

Arch Nemesis appearing sound: Yakzua 0 -> "Get Them" soundtrack beginning

Captured Potential sounds: Silent Hill games -> UI sounds

Emergency Medical Treatmend sound: Half-Life 2 -> medkit pickup sound

Keychain sound: The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth -> key pickup sound

Enforcer Hand sounds: Risk of Rain Returns -> Enforcer skill use sounds

Mod logo background: Deus Ex -> Majestic 12 Lab lobby

Special thanks

Thanks to .score, HIFU, HDEDEDE, braquen, gchinchi, viliger, DestroyedClone, nebby and other wonderful people for helping and guiding me at doing code in the Risk of Rain 2 Modding Discord server


I usually go by the same tag brynzananas. You can find me on Discord or in Risk of Rain 2 Modding Discord server


You can give me a donation to keep me motivated in this project

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