Adds some features such as: Air Strafing, Bunny Hopping, Auto Jump, Direct Look, Rocket Jump, Velocity MeterAir strafing
Disables default air control. Alligning your current velocity and wish direction perpendicularly will make a great turn midair while also increasing your current velocity
Bunny Hopping
Jumping preserves velocity (still losing a little).
WARNING: Can produce unexpected consequnences with mods that also touch "GenericCharacterMain.ApplyJumpVelocity" function. (It's because this mod currently entirely rewrites that function using On Hook, with no orig returning (Author is not smart enough yet))
Auto Jumping
Holding jump button will make you jump everytime you touch the ground. Disabled by default. Enable it if you really struggle to bunny hop on your own
Direct Look
Makes your character look towards your view direction alltime
Rocket Jump
On Middle Mouse Button (key can be configured) press fire a rocket that deals no damage with explosion pushing its owner
Rocket inherits your current velocity on top of its own (Can be disabled)
Max stocks scales with additional secondary stocks. Firing interval scales with attack speed. Push power scales with movement speed. Reload time scales with utility cooldown scale
Shows current stocks and reload time on the HUD
Rocket default stats:
Power: 3, Radius: 4.2, Speed: 42.2, Gravity: true, Velocity inheritance: true, Max stocks: 1, Interval: 0.8, Reload : 2
Velocity Meter
Shows velocity on the HUD. Color, scale, position and its outline can be configured
First Person Mod Recomendation
It's recomended to play with this mod for full free and man experience
Debug Mode
Visualiles current velocity and wish direction vectors as Debug Lines, allowing you to practice Air Strafing