Adds a customizable playable character with variety of weapons.CELESTIAL WAR TANK
Adds a tank, which is customizable in hundreds of many ways. A physics-based survivor that is capable of using environments and armor to its advantage!
What you might see in the future
• Bug fixes, and QoL changes.
• New unlockable weapons and bodies.
• Better mod compatibility, and other mod item additions.
• Some silly configs.
• A new slot of selectable horns...?
ScrollableLobbyUI mod is highly recommended.
Incompatible Mods
• SkinTuner
I will fix these eventually.
If you find any bugs or exploits, please contact h_hyper#6070
on discord (you must be on the Risk of Rain
, or Risk of Rain 2
Modding server).
Developer of this mod.
Playtester, Writer, Patch Notes Writer, 2D Art.
• Fixed primaries from individually turning from turret.
• Fixed Plow from consuming all charges.
• Fixed Passive: Armors from not working.
• Negative effects no longer drop fps.
• Fixed wheels not spinning which causes lag.
• Fixed Obliterator from resetting all cooldowns.
• Fixed Shotgun from not getting its charge on kills.
• Properly listed bonuses for other passives on terminal ("How did you mess this one up Cheese," - HHyper).
• Properly adjusted paint on bodies (qualities are still low res).
• Listed turret limitation on FV4005.
• Increased all turret rotation speeds by 5, to counteract body rotations much easier.
• Staghound turret rotation speed to 50 (from 40).
• Bunker turret weight to 25 (from 45), to compensate its awful rotation speed (22 from 17).
2.0.0 - Makeover Patch
• New character selection animation with a terminal hanging from the ceiling displaying stats.
• New row of pattern customization in the loadout tab.
• Piercing Cannon now penetrates armor instead of weakpoints. Kills reduce cooldown. Blast radius is set to 2m.
• Basic Cannon now deals 5400% damage with 12s cooldown. Blast radius decreased from 7m to 5m. It has been renamed to Power Cannon.
• Mini Mines now have a stock count of 6. Cooldown is now 2 seconds. Kills give an extra charge.
• Tank visual graphics updated.
• Icon visuals updated.
• Descriptions overhauled.
• Tank body parts changed, to suit new mechanics.
• Tank code overhauled. Super optimization, and more accurate results along with more varied stats.
• Weapon parts now have mass effecting acceleration, speed, and thrust power.
• Machines guns now have a stock count of 50, and cooldown is every 4 seconds. Machine guns shoot slightly faster.
• Shotgun now gains a charge on kill.
• Crit Cannon to 1200% damage (from 1000%), totaling to 2400% damage (from 2000%).
• Knocker Cannon to 1750% damage (from 1650%)
• Obliterator Cannon to 12500% damage (from 12000%).
• Spikes to 550% damage (from 500%).
• Super Jump forward launch now shoots you more higher into the air; starting damage now 2500% (from 1500%). Fuel cost for forward launch now 75 (from 100).
• Passive: Armor now adds 30 armor (from 25).
• All utility skill hitboxes are bigger.
• Mines + Mini-Mines lifespan set to 120s.
• Idle thrust in air consumes less fuel; Idle thrust power in air is weaker. This allows for more freedom in the air while still having some repercussions.
• Goobo Jr. can now use Obliterator Cannon; Obliterator cannon no longer resets REIGN.
• Fixed tank from getting stuck on certain terrain.
• Fixed tank's stun when hit in the air.
• Fixed drop pod fingers from spinning like a crackhead.
Broken saves now patched. Your vehicle loadout will now be saved as well as achievements.
• Fixed Ripdozer not bleeding enemies.
• SFX now in the proper place (is now properly adjustable in the vanilla options).
• Fixed FPS drop in character loadout.
Known bug: Any hull/turret selected after Churchill creates a 'broken save,' which results in the game not properly saving achievements/unlocks after close.
1.3.0 - Gearpatch
Tank no longer deprecated, hooray!
• Added a secondary skill.
• Added 4 sets of new bodies (turrets included).
• Added new death visual.
• Added more config options.
• Proper alignment of plows/spikes on Maus body.
• Now lists blast radius's on Specials. Fixed descriptions for utilities and other items.
• Celestial Cannon achievement fixed?
• Fixed the frontal machine gun from floating for some turrets.
• Unique in-game tank items now hidden from inventory to prevent early item clutter. Items will still be operable. (will be configurable later)
• Edited overview for better understanding.
• Grenade Launcher VFX fixed. Proc increased.
• Negative effects reduced for Tiger I, APC, and Somua S35 bodies.
• Ripdozer now 3000% damage (from 2500%). Bleed is better.
• Shotgun now 12x75% damage (from 10x75%).
• Mini-Mines 'On-Kill' power removed.
• Celestial Cannon's ultimate laser now has a proc coefficient of 2 (from 1).
• Fuel array now gives the tank 200 fuel.
• Tank no longer freezes in place at high speeds.
• Tank physics more consistent (thank you unironically Gearbox).
• Ancient Scepter mod is not required anymore. (mod is borked)
There are planned reworks for the following: Mini-Mines, Barrelling, and Shotgun.
Body locks may be in the future (regarding any of the new additions + future additions), as the achievement code is a bit finnicky with the bodies.
• Another oops where Tiger I body perk stacked on each respawn/stage. Checked for other body perks too.
• Massive oops fix where body selections weren't separating from their turret (Ex. Maus body with stag turret equated to a full Maus with 350 HP).
• Fixed bug where other survivors possessed the tank items.
• APC body lunar now +20 fuel (from +10).
• King Mine detection radius slightly smaller to catch more enemies.
• Barreling can now hold to fire.
• Shotgun idle reload slightly faster to initiate.
• Tiger I bonus increased to 3.5% (from 3%), now totaling up to 7%
• T62 turret now affects Minigun's overheat.
• T-34-85 body now has 90 health (from 100), and armor to 15 (from 10).
• Some scepters better adjusted (mainly Artillery's scepter).
• Fixed that one stupid grammar thing that was 'No affect,' to instead say 'No effect.'
1.2.0 - Scepter Patch
• Howitzer, Artillery Cannon, and King Mine now give knockback to enemies.
• Artillery Cannon changes - max damage 5500% (from 5000%); starting damage 2200% (from 2000%). Splash radius now affected by range, and range slightly increased (to 85 from 80). Impact now sends smaller projectiles that can hit other enemies for 10x5% total damage. Splash visual now better-matches.
• Mini Mines can now activate on-kill items. Cooldown increased to 12s (from 10s).
• Flamethrower reworked for better performance and viability.
• Knocker Cannon damage increased to 1650% (from 1350%), with damage fall-off being faster; proc item damage conversion now greater.
• Barreling cooldown now 1 second (from 5); Fuel consumption per barrel now 20 (from 15).
• Plow dash range slightly increased; Plow damage increased to 1000% (from 750%).
• AA Cannon multiplier now x2.5 (from x3).
• Shotgun proc slightly increased.
• Self-Destruct blast radius now 35m (from 30m).
• Howitzer + Artillery bullet lifetime increased to literal infinity.
• Physics glitches (wall/ground freeze) way less prominent, however may still be a slight problem.
• Fixed Shotgun being too loud in multiplayer, and prevented client-side sound spam.
• Fixed Goobo Jr/Dopplegangers from being immortal when possessing Self-Destruct- they no longer will have Dio's.
• Fixed some abilities from resetting 2nd+ cooldowns.
• Fixed some ability descriptions for better understanding.
• Some code organized/cleaned for better optimizations and performances.
• Tank stats now correctly update on start of run (instead of when out of container).
• Betterhudlite now compatible.
• Most bodies/turrets now have their own unique lunar-affected stats, to give more unique oppositions.
• Upgraded Fuel bar visuals- now blinks when insufficient or when rewarded extra fuel (stunts, plows, etc).
• Fully assimilated tank's AI (can properly fight with all abilities, including Self-Destruct). Goobo Jr's have their own unique colors, too!
• Ancient Scepter now affects all M2's (minus newest cannon), giving an interesting buff for each of these weapons.
• Added 2 unique unlockable abilities to the tank.
• StandaloneAncientSceptor is now a dependency (but not required).
Thank you for the many feedbacks (good and bad), and thank you all for enjoying the Celestial War Tank!
Much more content to come eventually?
Thank you to a select few whose ideas we are going to steal from. :D
• Removed extra cannon skill. (It wasn't suppose to be revealed yet).
• HP scaling with light builds is now better and accurate.
• Visions of Heresy no longer makes tank body aim at crosshair. (sort of works. It twitches everytime the primary is used.)
• Super Jump damage modifier now affected by mass.
• Plow fuel gain from ram now 40 (from 25).
• Turbo fuel gain from ram now 20 (from 15).
• Bulldozer increased constant damage to 200% (from 125%), impact damage now 350% (from 300%)
• AA Cannon multiplier now x3 (from x3.5). Base blast radius slightly increased for better ease-of-use.
• Fixed speed from going to fast after successful landing after a stunt. (only affected non-host players)
• Grenade Launcher damage increased to 4x250% (from 4x200%).
• Knocker Cannon damage increased to 1350% (from 1300%).
• Self-Destruct radius increased to 30m (from 25m).
• Power diminish stat (thruster + utility) now 0 (from 0.5). You can now jump thrust with utility combo.
• All cooldown items (non-mod) now affect Minigun.
• Howitzer when failing to charge now spews out a silly useless shell.
• Weapons effects now have visual lighting.
• Minigun and Piercing Cannon now get slight knockback on use; Crit Cannon and Basic Cannon knockback slightly stronger.
• Landing stunts now grants you temporary speed.
• Now able to disable gauges in config (Risk of Options).
• Added/fixed descriptions for M1s, now giving accuracy and miscellaneous text.
• RiskOfOptions mod now a required dependency.
• French gun can now hold to fire.
• Alien Head now affects Minigun's fire-rate.
• Reworked AA Cannon - now deals 300% base damage; projectile explosion only detects air targets, dealing 3.5x base damage. Fixed detection and damage consistency issues.
• Reworked Artillery Cannon - can now hold to aim like REIGN (doesn't require charge).
• Fixed issue where tank doesn't land on the ground when activating thrusters in-air at the last second.
• Fixed issue where tank may not land when using thrust for less than a second.
• Fixed issue where holding down thrusters without tilt can send tank into the stratosphere.
• Fixed REIGN from resetting the cooldown of a 2nd charge when possessing Lysate Cell.
• Fixed REIGN and Artillery Cannon from not shooting when hugging an enemy.
• Thruster velocity now matches the mass of the vehicles more accurately.
• Mod now compatible with RiskUI.
• Added config to change the keybind of the horn (can change via Risk of Options).
• Note: ImprovedUI did not conflict with the Celestial War Tank; RTAutoSprintEx no longer conflicts with the tank.
• Fixed certain tank physics from not working.
• Super Jump non-sprint effect lowered.
• Super Jump damage now 1500% (from 1000%)
• Super Jump, when not sprinting, no longer flails your tank. You can activate your thrusters meanwhile (not applied to sprint activation).
• Bulldozer speed boost increased to 70% (from 65%).
• Howitzer penalty is now only 5 seconds (instead of full 16 seconds).
• Shotgun can now hold to fire; Shotgun reload per shell slightly decreased (from 1 second to 1.5 seconds).
• Fixed an issue where your tank may freeze in the air.
• Fixed and optimized thruster velocity consistency.
• Fixed a small issue where mass was highlighted green for lighter weight and vice versa (colors are now swapped to proper).
• Fixed Howitzer from resetting the cooldown of a 2nd charge when possessing backup magazine.
• Fixed issue where tank body failed to operate after a respawn.
• Fixed Goobo Jr. AI.
• Fixed REIGN from cancelling charge while sprinting.
1.1.0 - Party Patch
• MAJOR FIX: Fixed a netcode issue when there was 3+ tanks in the game. Parties should no longer have great latency issues.
• Mini Mines damage increased to 6x750% (from 6x550%); increased cooldown to 10 seconds (from 8 seconds).
• Bulldozer constant damage increased to 125% (from 100%).
• Grenade Launcher projectile gravity fixed.
• Piercing Cannon projectile slightly faster.
• Passive: Armor stat increased to 25 (from 15).
• Barreling impact damage now deals 250% (from 100%).
• Backup magazine effect nerfed for Minigun's overheat (from 100% to 33%).
• Flamethrower hitbox tripled.
• Max thrust strength for lighter builds slightly increased.
• Crash recovery is now a total of 0.55 seconds (from 1.25 seconds). Sliding while crashed is not affected.
• Hopoo feather + Wax Quail now give more fuel (30 -> 35; 20 -> 25).
• Corrected spelling/descriptions for the following: Missile Launcher; REIGN; Passive Armor.
• Descriptions for M2s/M4s affected by cooldown now list cooldowns. M2s now list accuracies and blast radius.
• Fixed REIGN not properly shooting projectiles when aimed to the sky.
• Fixed tank body/turret stats not showing on client-side (when host has not selected the tank).
• Added fall damage negation on successful stunts.
• Celestial War Tank more optimized for framerate and multiplayer.
Known issues within this patch:
• Excessive launch of thrust after properly landing a Super Jump.
• Tank freezes in place against walls and out of bounds, while still being "in the air" (caused by extreme high velocity).
• Goobo Jr. AI/Artifact of Vengeance AI not working properly. (aka. being stupid)
• Thruster sound may still play in lobby after a run. (Rare occurrence)
• Jump thruster sound returned. (I borked it somehow but it's now working again)
• Shotgun idle reload is now faster. (from 5 to 3 seconds)
• REIGN cooldown increased (from 25 to 30 seconds); damage increases slower overtime.
• Minigun proc doubled.
• Added a purple paint.
• Fixed bugs/exploits with passive selections.
• Fixed exploit with REIGN.
• Fixed required dependency.
• Release.