Adds all monsters and drones as playable survivors with QoL fixes! Updated for SotS DLC.A mod that allows you to select and start as any of the available monsters and drones in the game as playable survivors.
Want to obliterate everything as a Overloading Worm, challenge the moon man as a Beetle or Lemurian, or heck just fly around healing as a Healing Drone, it's all up to you!
Have fun~
Neat little features also include:
-All SURVIVOR-PLAYED Monsters have Passive Health Regen scaled by type of monster they are, Drones although have 3% as Regen instead
-Allowing all monsters have increased interaction distance to be able to reach and interact with chests, drones, barrels, teleporters, etc
-Providing some of the monsters with stronger jump power to compensate with their heavier and larger sizes
-Allowing all monsters, bosses, as well as drones to use equipment items
-Added alternative skills to some monsters for players to try out
--Play as the Elite-type of most Monsters, even Drones can be Elite because why the heck not! (Even works with Elite Aspects with an Activable Slot!)(Note)
--Have a team of AI-controlled monsters that follow you around and fight for the cause! (Note)
--Note:"Please keep in mind that most of these features may not be balanced for Vanilla sake, you may still may play as close to the Vanilla version of whichever monster by not using these said features. Have Fun!"
v1.6.0 -Added some of the SotS DLC monsters.
-Added Squad Based Utility-Skills to most Monster Players, give your squad a boost when things get heated!
-Added Drone Type if you want to play with Spare Drone Parts Buff.
-Added dependancy to resolve some projectile based skills such as Player Mithrix.
-Void Infestor Players and Gup Players On-Death Functions fixed.
-Mass of Jellyfish Players and Lesser Wisp Players have been increased, to less likely die from knockback impact damage.
-Monster Squad AI updated to search sooner for the next potential target when current target is dead or too far.
-Monster Squads can now inherit the player's items. (Configurable)
-Added a soft ally cap where Monster Squads processing are optimized when there are too many allies.
v1.5.0 -Monster Squad Overhaul, Squads now have a set amount of Allies that replenish when an ally falls. (Configurable!)
v1.4.1 -Fixed a bug where Void Infestor stacks Buffs with the Infested Host.
-Added Voidtouched as an Elite choice for both Players and Squads.
-Void Infestor Players who play as the Elite Variants, now carry over to their Infested Hosts.
v1.4.0 -Manually fixed most camera views of the monsters/drones with crosshairs respectively.
-Crippled Mithrix can now use it's siphon ability again!
-Void parasite now respawns upon losing a host.
-Added a few new skills.
v1.3.0 -Added a Sprint to Teleport Mechanic for all Stationary Units!
-Monster Squads AI has been reworked! Now with more clearer Skill Priorities and aggression!
-Removed Monster Squad Function for Vanilla Survivors to fix custom character mod incompatability until a solution is figured out.
-Added the Void Barnacle
v1.2.0 -The rest of the SotV DLC Monsters have been added!
v1.1.1 -Quick fix from patch!
-You can now have the vanilla survivors have monster squads! (Set the Config to True) (Removed at v1.3.0)
v1.0.1 -Player Jellyfish no longer suicides upon exploding!
v1.0.0 -Monster Mash has been updated for the SotV DLC!
-Added Monster Family Configs.
-Removed Traits.
-Added Squad Types.
-Player Mithrix is now better suited (figuratively and literally)!
-Added a reminding notification from attempting to remove the elite aspect.
-You can choose what equipment to start with as a Equipment Drone!
v0.6.0 -Monsters have empty skill slots to allow Heresy Item/Skills.
-Removed the Elite Equipment Use restriction!
-Added the rest of the monsters for Monster Squads (From the Base Game this far)!
-Redone the Monster Squad function!
-Added Essences; which allows you to Invoke the ability of a monster passively.
-Rebalanced the health regen of most monsters and elite variants.
-Updated the traits!
v0.5.0 -Added another configurations for stationary monsters/drones as THEY ARE ONLY HOST-PLAYABLE. (Resolved at Later Version)
-Fixed the skill selection window keeping false SkinSlots while slecting different monsters.
-Added some skill variety for some monsters.
-Added skill selection categories for monsters/drones for Elite Type, Trait Type, and Squad Type!
v0.4.0 -Added configurations for what monsters/drones you don't want to show up in character selections.
-Added a bit more entities like malachite urchins and squid turret.
v0.3.0 -Fixed dependencies.
-Added code to solve larger entities from unable to interact with scrappers and command essences (Mega Thanks to Mico27!).
-Added some unique end game quote for some monsters.
v0.2.0 -Added drones
-Added the function for bosses and drones to be allowed to use equipment.
-Gave stationary entities like Grandparent and Gunner Drones insane amount of Interaction Range.
-Adjusted some monsters like Bighorn Bison a little more jump power.
v0.1.0 -Initial release of the mod, only having access to all monsters and bosses.
Priority -Add the rest of the DLC monsters -Add skill descriptions for monster skills
Passively -Add victory end quotes for the monsters and entities -Work on independant AIs for certain monster squad allies that don't seem to like the shared general AI I used