Ocelot from MGS3 as a skin for Deputyocelot
Deputy has two revolvers, and so does Ocelot from Metal gear solid 3
I was thinking on making him commando first, but then I saw Deputy gameplay and changed my mind.
To be honest it's a low quality skin. Apparently the model it's a port from the PSP game. Still, for metal gear fans it should look pretty good
Another great character thanks to Bog. Your armatures are so clean so thank you lol.
If you wish to contact me here's my discord: dannyduartemgs
A newbie like me could use some tips.
Model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/revolver-ocelot-ff5fd902fa52417c8065bde63c6d24fb
Audrey for the skin Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQUqlNFgrDM