This artifact adds a random aspect from ZetAspects mod to a random player at the start of each stage, and then removes it before the next one. Compatible with GoldenCoast+, Aetherium, and SpikeStrip, works in multiplayer. Great to add some variety to runs.Artifact of Chosen
This artifact is a fun extension of the ZetAspects mod, if activated a random player gets to play with a random aspect each stage. This adds variability, lets you play with interesting aspects in different situations and makes multiplayer with friends more fun. Because aspects make it easier to play you can play on a higher difficulty to compensate.
There are additional aspects in ZetAspects if you are playing with GoldenCoastPlus, Aetherium, Bubbet's Items or SpikeStrip, those are supported here too.
This is my first mod, the mod is simple, but if you have any problems/suggestions please let me know in Discord: CuteDoge#1511
Thanks Prod for huge contribution!
- 1.1.1 - Fixed aspect not disappearing when postTeleporter config is on
- 1.1.0 - new configs: aspect blacklist, updated aspect list to match zetaspects, configurable "retain aspect post teleporter", distribution mode, configurable give n stack of random item or of 1 item; Added proper description; Added actual log support;
- 1.0.8 - BugFixes and typos fixes
- 1.0.7 - Added configuration support with an ability to choose the starting artifact and an amount of artifacts to give each stage
- 1.0.6 - Fixed an error in chat when artifact is disabled
- 1.0.5 - More bugfixes
- 1.0.4 - Added support for Aetherium
- 1.0.3 - Same as 1.0.2, but actually allows to get aspect of those intermissions. Helpfull when going GoldenCoast for example
- 1.0.2 - Fixed bug with intermissions not taking away the aspect item
- 1.0.1 - Minor corrections and fixes
- 1.0.0 - Release