Adds the Sniper from Risk of Rain 1 along with his Spotter drone. Multiplayer-compatible!SniperClassic
The Sniper is a long-range DPS who uses powerful charged attacks to take down big targets. His Spotter drone allows him to analyze enemies, causing heavy attacks to transfer their damage to nearby enemies when hit.
We are looking for translators! Check the languages folder on the GitHub if you would like to submit a translation for your language.
- All players need the mod in multiplayer.
- Scope input settings can be found in the config.
- Spotter UI can be tweaked in the config.
To-do list
- Overhaul gun models.
- Character select anim.
- Further animation improvement.
- Remaining achievements
- New skill icons.
Place the SniperClassic folder in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins/
Settings can be changed in BepInEx/config/com.Moffein.SniperClassic.cfg
Moffein - Code, main dev
LucidInceptor - Models
Bruh - Grandmastery Model
Timeweeper - Chiropractor, Animations, Code, finishing up the fucker
Rob - Animations, Code
DestroyedClone - Alt Spotter aggro code
Swuff - Character select icon outlines, animation help
Papazach - Skill Icons
SOM - Spotter buff icon
TheMysticSword - Spotter HUD
yekoc - Fixed Scroll Zoom for SotV
Big thanks to Rob and Timesweeper for helping me with all the code-related stuff to get Lucid's models in-game, along with doing the animations! You guys are lifesavers! Also huge thanks to Lucid for all the models!
Sounds taken from Dirty Bomb, TF2, L4D2, and
Localization Credits
Spanish translation - Anreol
Russian translation - Noto#1111, JAG, Lecarde
Chinese translation - JunJun_w, Meteorite1014
German translation - MojoJMP, Stuuhli, Violet Chaolan
Ukrainian translation - Damglador
Korean translation - CaffeinePain
Portuguese Translation - Kauzok
Japanese Translation - punch