Speeds up Beetle Queen's M1, lowers her skill cooldowns, and gives her additional health/armor.Nothing particularly special, just a few number changes and a small bump to stats. This was mostly done to figure out modding before I release a more serious project.
- Raised cooldown of R in Eclipse 7 from 12s -> 18s; she prioritizes using M2/R over M1 (when she's low enough on HP to use M2), so she wasn't actually using M1 at all due to how low their cooldowns were
- Lowered M1 damage to 90%
- Acid left by M1 deals +87.5% more damage over time (this was incorrectly stated as +150% earlier since I didn't account for the lowered M1 hit)
- Didn't understand what the file did in initial release lol
- First release