Geck Volant Marin : Luck Based RNG

This is a simple yet complete and balanced .dll library that adds random functions based on luck.

What is luck?

Luck is a double value that enchance probabilies.

Positive luck effect:

  • Increase the chances of getting a big number when using getRandomNumber_InRange()
  • Increase the chances of returning true when using getRandomBool_FromFraction()
  • Increase the small weights and decrease the big weights of every elements of a weights array when using generateNewWeights()
  • Have higher chances of generating a rare outcome when using getRandomThings_FromArray<Type>()

Negative luck effect:

  • Increase the chances of getting a small number when using getRandomNumber_InRange()
  • Increase the chances of returning false when using getRandomBool_FromFraction()
  • Increase the big weights and decrease the small weights of every elements of a weights array when using generateNewWeights()
  • Have higher chances of generating a common outcome when using getRandomThings_FromArray<Type>()

Neutral luck:

  • Don't change anything and generate as if there was no luck.

Available functions and methods:

  • void GeckVolantMarin.RNG.setSeed(int seed)
  • void GeckVolantMarin.RNG.reSeed()
  • double GeckVolantMarin.RNG.getRandomNumber_InRange(double min, double max, double luck = 0.0d)
  • bool GeckVolantMarin.RNG.getRandomBool_FromFraction(double numerator, double denominator = 1.0d, double luck = 0.0d)
  • double GeckVolantMarin.RNG.getTotalWeight_FromArray(double[] weights)
  • void GeckVolantMarin.RNG.generateNewWeights(ref double[] weights, double luck = 0.0d)
  • Type GeckVolantMarin.RNG.getRandomThings_FromArray<Type>(Type[] array, double[] weights, double luck = 0.0d)

Source code

The source code is available in the plugin folder, in

Thanks To:

  • The modding community
  • ILSpy developers (For unpacking the code base game)
  • AssetStudio developers (For unpacking the assets of the base game)



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