Adds the CHEF robot from RoR1 as a survivor. Multiplayer-compatible!ChefMod
CHEF is a robot cook who is capable of serving generous helpings to even the largest crowds. Supports StandaloneAncientScepter!
If you have any feedback/suggestions, open an issue on the Github page, or join our discord at
Drop the Gnome-ChefMod folder into \BepInEx\plugins
All players need the mod.
Known Issues
- nonw
To Do
- Add config option to keep CHEF bossfight after completing the unlock.
- Character select animation.
- More alt skills.
- Balancing. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Huge thanks to
- Lucid Inceptor for being my muse (made the models)
- Papa Zach for being my longest supporter (made icons)
- Timesweeper for being my rock (helped me implement animation, and various tweaks)
- Moffein for being there when I needed him most (helped me patch for anniversary update and did networking and the 2.0 update)
- rob for being the father I always dreamd of (gave advice)
- Swuff for taking care of my needs (pleasured me, and made animations)
- SOM for the CSS anim.
And as always I give my undying love to iDeathHD
oh and thank you enigma for letting me use your prefab builder it is very cool the mod icon was made by Destructor check out his youtube Destructor1089 for risk of rain 2 sfm
Thanks to Gnome for being the big bang in an otherwise cold and empty universe. Whether or not you come back to work on him, we'll be here for ya.
Localization Credits
Chinese - JunJun_w
Russian - Адский Шкед, Lecard
Ukrainian - Damglador
Spanish - Juhnter
Japanese - punch
Portuguese - Kauzok
French - StyleMyk