
  • Adds Myst, a high utility survivor that uses a unique resource called 'Magic Power' to use a wide range of otherworldly abilities, and another resource called 'Limit' to unleash powerful super-moves.
  • Magic Power only starts to regenerate when fully depleted, where it cannot be used again until filled. - This recharge time can be sped up with items and effects that reduce cooldown time.
  • Limit generates very slowly as you block attacks and deal damage, and once you have enough, you can unleash extremely powerful Limit Breaks, but be aware that Limit is limited.

To Do

  • Fix bugs, I'm sure I've missed some


Myst makes use of two nested menus to utilise his equipped "Magicites" and unleash the abilities stored within them


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Vorpal Slice Slice at enemies before you dealing damage none


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Dash Dash a short distance in any horizontal direction. 3 seconds
Parry Hold to: Reduce all frontal damage, gaining Limit based on damage blocked. If timed correctly: Nullify damage from all directions and reset the cooldown. 2 seconds


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Magic Menu Open the Magic Menu, allowing you to use equipped spells. none


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Limit Menu Open the Limit Menu, allowing you to use equipped Limit Breaks. none

Myst starts each run with a set of magicites based on the selected "Jobclass"

Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mystic Start the run with a well rounded kit with a bit of everything.
Click to see Mystic starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Fireball Shoots a homing fireball at the target that explodes on impact, damaging and burning enemies in the AoE. Spell
Call Lightning Call down a bolt of lightning onto your target, dealing damage and knocking airborne targets to the ground. Spell
Magnet Summon a magnetic field to pull in enemies in a wide area around the target. Spell
Cone of Frost Summon a cone of Icy Wind to damage and freeze enemies before you. Spell
Fated Circle A Spinning Attack that stuns and pulls in enemies, followed by fiery explosions that knock them away, dealing heavy damage. Finisher
Explosion Stand your ground and summon Orbs of Light to orbit you, damaging and stunning nearby enemies. Finisher
Blasting Zone Summon a giant pillar of force to envelop the Vorpal Sword, before swinging the blade to send it crashing down onto foes before you, dealing incredible damage across a wide area. Limit
Berserk Form Myst goes Berserk, gaining increased Movement Speed and Jump Height and an attack focused moveset. Limit
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warrior Start the run with a kit focused around utilising Finisher attacks.
Click to see Warrior starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Challenging Shout Unleash a commanding shout that weakens and drags foes towards you. Finisher
Blade Dance An artful serenade of slicing blows that propels the user and rapidly deals damage. Finisher
Judgement Cut Become intangible and strike multiple times in an AoE, dealing more hits with higher attack speed. Finisher
Haste After a brief Channel: Provides Movement and Attack Speed to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Fortify After a brief Channel: Provides a powerful armor buff to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Limit Syphon Grants Limit based on Magic Cost. (linked to Fortify) Support
Judgement Cut END Hold the Vorpal Sword in its sheath, gathering energy before unleashing a lightning fast onslaught of slashes that deal incredible damage after a delay. Limit
Berserk Form Myst goes Berserk, gaining increased Movement Speed and Jump Height and an attack focused moveset. Limit
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Sorcerer Start the run with a kit focused around spellcasting.
Click to see Sorcerer starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Magic Missile Fire a volley of magic bolts that home in on targets, more MP results in more bolts fired. Spell
MP Thrift Attached Spell costs less MP. (linked to Magic Missile) Support
Eclipse Gate Summons a shard of umbral power to deal damage to the target based on missing MP. Spell
Mend Wounds After a brief Channel: Heals yourself and an Ally Target for 100% of their Max Health. Spell
Ultima After a brief Channel: Expend all of your remaining Magic to create a large vortex of energy that deals incredible damage to all foes in a wide area after a long delay. Spell
MP Turbo Attached Spell deals more damage, and costs more MP. (linked to Ultima) Support
Shillelagh When in Magic Recharge: Deals heavy damage and restores Magic. But is otherwise unimpressive. Finisher
Power-Word Kill After a brief Channel: Instantly kill the target. Limit
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nomad Start the run with no magicites.
Click to see no starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Nothing Nada You start with nothing Nill


JavAngle - Director, Code-Person, Ideas-Man, VFX-Artist, and incredibly handsome and totally didn't write this himself

Dotflare - Modeler and Animator

KateWelch - Character Designer and Concept Artist

Violet - Made the Judgement Cut End VFX

Sky - Designer and Modeler of the Latent Magicite

Concept Art Gallery

[Mysts Original Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Vorpal Sword Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Coloured Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Latent Magicite Concept Arts - by Sky]

Special Thanks to

Rob - For providing the community with a template character to make creating mods like this infinitely easier, he might not be making mods anymore, but his template is the backbone of this mod, so it warrants a mention

FireyIcy - My darling beloved, he helped me test Myst for multiplayer, and without him, Myst would probably be very broken

KingEnderBrine (UTC+7) - Helped me fix Item Displays being broken

TheTimesweeper - Helped me figure out how to control the game camera

Nunchuk - Helped me sort out Config stuffs

IDeathHD - Where do I even begin, this guy's great, he's extremely active in the RoR2 Modding Discord, and answers peoples development questions, including most of the questions I have asked, this guy has spent so much of his time helping people with mod making, he deserves the biggest pat on the back you could possibly imagine, thank you Former-Pretty-Sloth-Colours-Man :D

Dgosling - Made the mesh used in Eclipse Gate's VFX

HIFU - Provided me with some code that will let me prevent crowbars from effecting PowerWord:Kill or anything else of my choosing (as of the time of writing, I haven't used it yet, but I intend to soon enough.)

And of course, YOU! for not only checking out my mod, but caring enough to scroll through the README, and even check out the credits, it means a lot to me. :)

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