
A mod/tool to simplify process of item display placement for item/character developers.

General usage

Before start

You need to have an item display (default or character-specific), which you will edit and replace its values in code when you have done.

Enter editing scene

First of all, you need to enter special scene where everything happens. This can be done by pressing F2 (You need to be in the main menu).

Pick a model

You can search for a model by localized name, body object name or model object name. By default only models that are visible in logbook are included in list, but you can include everything from BodyCatalog by toggle Inlude all bodies from BodyCatalog.

Select DisplayRuleGroup to work with

You can search for an item/equipment by name.

Each item display can be enabled/disabled by clicking on corresponding checkbox. Only one equipment display can be enabled at a time, so if you enable new equipment old one will be disabled.

Click on a gear to start/end item display placement (All changes will be lost when you disable item display, so be careful with that).

  • Enable all - enable all item displays for current model (except equipment)
  • Disable all - enable all item displays for current model (inluding equipment)

Select ItemDisplayRule

Click on a row with item display prefab name to start edit it.

Edit ItemDisplayRule

You can type in values in corresponding fields to see how item display will look on a character.

Or you can use Unity-like item editing on the scene:



White circle will rotate object around to camera view axis.


Gray cube in center will scale all axes simultaneously.

Copy values

When you placed your item where you want you can copy values for that position by clicking Copy IDR values button to paste these values in your code.

You can change copy format by clicking on the gear icon next to Copy IDR values

Available formats

  • Block

Copied values will look something like that:

childName = "Head",
localPos = new Vector3(-0.0007F, 0.1699F, 0.028F),
localAngles = new Vector3(332.5399F, 359.8748F, 0.0883F),
localScale = new Vector3(0.7228F, 0.7228F, 0.7228F)
  • Inline

Copied values will look something like that:

"Head", new Vector3(-0.0007F, 0.1699F, 0.028F), new Vector3(332.5399F, 359.8748F, 0.0883F), new Vector3(0.7228F, 0.7228F, 0.7228F)
  • ForParsing

Copied values will look something like that:

  • Custom

You can make your own format by using placeholders to specify where values should be placed.

Top panel


  • Fast Coefficient - camera movement speed multiplier when holding SHIFT
  • Slow Coefficient - camera movement speed multiplier when holding CTRL

Enable fade

Toggle fade when you are close to objects.

Enable time

Toggle TimeScale between 0 and 1.

DynamicBones ignore TimeScale

Toggle if DynamicBones should work when TimeScale is 0

Object Editing

Editing space:

  • Global - move/rotate object in world coordinates
  • Local - move/rotate object in object local coordinates

Editor mode:

  • Move - move object along axis.
  • Rotate - rotate object along axis.
  • Scale - scale object along axis, or along all axes.

Scaling is always done in local space.



  • F2 - Enter ItemDisplayPlacementHelper scene (You need to be in the main menu)
  • F - Move camera focus to currently selected item display
  • G - Toggle fade
  • T - Toggle time

Object transform

  • W - Select object movement mode
  • E - Select object rotation mode
  • R - Select object scaling mode
  • X - Toggle object editing space (Global/Local)

Camera movement

  • RightMouseButton - Hold and move mouse to look around
  • ALT + RightMouseButton - Hold and move mouse to rotate camera around focus point
  • MiddleMouseButton - Hold and move mouse to move camera
  • ALT + MiddleMouseButton - Press once to move focus point to point on the model under mouse.
  • MouseWheel - Scroll to zoom in/out.
  • ALT + MouseWheel - Scroll to move to/from focus point
  • CTRL - Hold to slow down camera movement speed
  • SHIFT - Hold to speed up camera movement speed

More features

If you have a feature in mind that would be good to have in this mod feel free to ping @KingEnderBrine in RoR modding discord.

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