
ScrappyChests is a Risk of Rain 2 mod that substitutes the loot from chests and mobs with scrap rather than standard items, requiring players to utilize printers to obtain standard items.



Below are links to various videos showcasing the mod.

Replacement rules

Each replacement rules can be configured in the game menu Settings > Mod Options > ScrappyChests.

Global Configuration

Name Default Value Description
Mod enabled Enabled Mod enabled
Preset Default See Configuration presets

Configuration presets

Scrappy chests contains the following configuration presets:


Default configuration for the mod:

  • Interactables and monsters drop scrap instead of items
  • Bonus printer spawn rate
  • Void items can be found in printers and cauldrons
  • Extra white and yellow cauldrons in the Bazaar and on the moon
  • Interactables that costs lunar coins, cost white items instead

Default configuration except:

  • Adaptive chests, legendary chests, void potential, void cradles and bosses drop items
  • Lunar interactables cost lunar coins
  • Red items are never replaced with scrap
All the choices

Default configuration except:

  • Multishops, adaptive chests and void potentials drop items
Default printer spawn rates

Default configuration except:

  • Default printer spawn rate
No printers

Default configuration except:

  • Printers are disabled


Default configuration except:

  • Every chests and enemies drops scrap
  • Default printers spawn rate
  • No void printers in void seeds
  • No extra cauldrons
  • No speed item bonus


Equivalent to the 1.0 version of the mod.

Default configuration except:

  • Default printers spawn rate
  • No void printers in void seeds
  • No extra cauldrons
  • No void items in printers and cauldrons
  • No speed items bonus
  • Lunar interactables cost lunar coins
  • Void cradles drops void items


Equivalent to the 1.1 version of the mod.

Default configuration except:

  • No void printers in void seeds
  • No extra cauldrons
  • Lunar interactables cost lunar coins


Equivalent to the 1.2 version of the mod.

Default configuration except:

  • Lunar interactables cost lunar coins (newt altars and lunar seers)


Every changes are disabled.

Chests rules

Name Default Value Description
Chest Enabled Chest will drop scrap instead of items
Multishop Terminal Enabled Multishop Terminal will drop scrap instead of items
Adaptive Chest Enabled Adaptive Chest will drop scrap instead of items
Shrine of Chance Enabled Shrine of Chance will drop scrap instead of items
Legendary Chest Enabled Legendary Chest will drop scrap instead of items
Void Potential Enabled Void Potential will drop scrap instead of items
Void Cradle Enabled Void Cradle will drop scrap instead of items
Lunar Pod Disabled Lunar Pod will drop Beads of Fealty instead of items
Lunar Bud Disabled Lunar Bud in the Bazaar Between Time will always sell Beads of Fealty

Printers rules

Name Default Value Description
White printer spawn multiplier 1.5x Controls the spawn rate of white printers. 0.0x = never. 1.0x = default spawn rate. 2.0x = 2 times more likely to spawn printers.
Green printer spawn multiplier 2.5x Controls the spawn rate of green printers. 0.0x = never. 1.0x = default spawn rate. 2.0x = 2 times more likely to spawn printers.
Red printer spawn multiplier 3x Controls the spawn rate of red printers. 0.0x = never. 1.0x = default spawn rate. 2.0x = 2 times more likely to spawn printers.
Yellow printer spawn multiplier 3x Controls the spawn rate of yellow printers. 0.0x = never. 1.0x = default spawn rate. 2.0x = 2 times more likely to spawn printers.
Minimum stage for red printers to spawn 2 Minimum stage for red printers to spawn. The vanilla value is 5.
Add void items to Printers Enabled Add void items to Printers
Add void printers to void seeds Enabled Add void printers to void seeds
Void seeds void printers weigth 0.2 Void seeds void printers weigth
Void seeds white void printers weigth 60 Void seeds white void printers weigth
Void seeds white void printers credit cost 25 Void seeds white void printers credit cost
Void seeds green void printers weigth 36 Void seeds green void printers weigth
Void seeds green void printers credit cost 40 Void seeds green void printers credit cost
Void seeds red void printers weigth 4 Void seeds red void printers weigth
Void seeds red void printers credit cost 50 Void seeds red void printers credit cost

Cauldrons rules

Name Default Value Description
Add void items to Cauldrons Enabled Add void items to Cauldrons
Add white Cauldrons to the Bazaar Enabled Add a white Cauldrons to the Bazaar
Add yellow Cauldrons to the Bazaar Enabled Add yellow Cauldrons to the Bazaar
Add yellow Cauldrons to the Moon Enabled Add a yellow Cauldrons to the Moon
Yellow Cauldrons Cost 2 white items, 1 green item, 1 yellow item Cost to use the yellow Cauldrons

Items rules

Name Default Value Description
Rusted Key Disabled Lockboxes will drop scrap instead of items
Encrusted Key Disabled Encrusted Cache will drop scrap instead of items
Crashed Multishop Disabled Crashed Multishop will drop scrap instead of items
Trophy Hunters Tricorn Disabled Trophy Hunter's Tricorn will drop scrap instead of items
Speed items multiplier 1.25x Controls the spawn rate of speed items. 0.0x = never. 1.0x = default spawn rate. 2.0x = 2 times more likely to spawn speed items.

Mobs rules

Name Default Value Description
Boss Enabled Defeating a Boss will drop scrap instead of items
Alloy Worship Unit Enabled Alloy Worship Unit will drop scrap instead of items
Scavenger Disabled Scavenger will drop scrap instead of items
Elite Elder Lemurian Disabled The Elite Elder Lemurian in the hidden chamber of Abandoned Aqueduct will drop scrap instead of bands
Lunar coins drops Enabled Mobs will drop white scrap instead of Lunar coins

Costs rules

Name Default Value Description
Newt Altars uses white items Enabled Newt Altar uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Lunar Seer uses white items Enabled Lunar Seer (dream) uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Lunar pods uses white items Enabled Lunar pods uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Lunar buds uses white items Enabled Lunar buds uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Slab uses white items Enabled The Slab in the Bazaar Between Time uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Unlocking artificier uses white items Enabled Unlocking artificier uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Petting the frog uses white items Enabled Petting the frog uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins
Shrine of order uses white items Disabled Shrine of order uses white items as the activation cost instead of lunar coins

Artifacts rules

Name Default Value Description
Relentless Doppelganger Disabled The Relentless Doppelganger from the Artifact of Vengeance will drop scrap instead of items
Artifact of Sacrifice Enabled When using the Artifact of Sacrifice, mobs will drop scrap instead of items

Waves rules

Name Default Value Description
Simulacrum Enabled The orb reward after each wave of Simulacrum will drop scrap instead of items
Void Fields Enabled The orb reward after each wave of the Void Fields will drop scrap instead of items

Tiers rules

Name Default Value Description
White item Enabled Replace white item drops with white scrap
Green item Enabled Replace green item drops with green scrap
Red item Enabled Replace red item drops with red scrap
Yellow item Enabled Replace yellow item drops with yellow scrap
Blue item Enabled Replace blue item drops with Beads of Fealty
Void tier 1 item Enabled Replace void tier 1 drops with white scrap
Void tier 2 item Enabled Replace void tier 2 drops with green scrap
Void tier 3 item Enabled Replace void tier 3 drops with red scrap


Name Default Value Description
Max completed Eclipse levels 0 for all characters Max eclipse level per survivor reached with Scappy Chests enabled
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Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.
Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.