Replaces the soundtrack with music from the Melty Blood series. Based on Speeskee's NieR_Soundtrack mod and Kyle Paulsen's OriginalSoundTrack mod.Hologram Summer Again, Tri Hermes Black Land
2.0.0: SEEKERS FIX!!!!!!!!!! added tracks for all new stages
1.2.5: Added tracks for Verdant Falls. "Good Morning One Scene" for the stage, and "WABI-SABI Brand new Everyday" for the boss.
1.2.4: As stated, the mod has been fixed! How did I do it, you ask? I copied the settings from my Fate/EXTRA OST mod and slammed them in here. Killing myself.
1.2.2: Last patch broke the mod. Made that, uh, not happen.
1.2.1: coughing and hacking of a guy that cant keep promises Fixed a bug where incorrect tracks played in the main menu.
1.2.0: Okay, NOW it's finished. Added tracks for the A Moment Fractured and A Moment Whole stages ("Recollection" and "Blood Drain -again- Vocal Version").
1.1.2: Changed the Void Locus stage theme from "Dimension Theory" to "Luminous Moon Requiem", thus removing a duplicate song. One Roa theme for another. Changed the Outro theme from "wandering in torture" to "MELTY BLOOD".
1.1.1: Added tracks for the Abandoned Aqueduct stage. Hardly a "content update" considering this is only happening because I forgot.
1.1.0: added proper tracks for the loading screen, splash screen, and the outro. Fixed a bug where incorrect tracks would play in Abyssal Depths and Commencement stages, and the Mithrix boss fight.
Volume is set to 0.25 in settings.xml. If you wish to adjust it further, change the parameter in said document.