This mod lets you start every run in the bazaar.StartInBazaar
[Host only]
This mod lets you start every run in the bazaar. If you want to combine this with BiggerBazaar, make sure to use BiggerBazaar 1.4.2+
- You start in the bazaar but without the starting money.
- After exiting the bazaar and starting your first stage you get your starting money.
- Install BepInEx Mod Pack (if you haven't already)
- Install R2API (if you haven't already)
- Place the mod in the Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\plugins folder.
- 0.2.1 Rewrote how the stages are picked. Should no longer skip the bazaar randomly
- 0.2.0 Update for the recent patch
- 0.1.3 Changed hook back, since it didn't properly work lel
- 0.1.1 Changed a hook entry point to avoid false reports
- 0.1.1 Added Network Compatibility Level
- 0.1.0 Initial release