Lets you blacklist items from Monsters, Vengeance Doppelgangers, Scavengers, and Mithrix. Server-Side and Vanilla-Compatible.Lets you blacklist items from Monsters, Vengeance Doppelgangers, Scavengers, and Mithrix.
Vanilla blacklists can be disabled in the config. Unstable Tesla Coil, N'kuhana's Opinion, and Razor Wire are blacklisted by default in the config.
Default Blacklist:
- Frost Relic
- Unstable Tesla Coil
- N'kuhana's Opinion
- Razor Wire
- Regenerating Scrap
- Shipping Request Form
- Spare Drone Parts
- Ben's Raincoat
- Shuriken
- Antler Shield
- Warped Echoes
- Chance Doll
- Prayer Beads
- Sale Star
- Noxious Thorn
- Unstable Transmitter
- War Bonds
- Sonorous Whispers
To blacklist items, enter the internal item names separated by commas into the config.
You can view a list of item/equipment codenames using the list_item/list_equipment command from DebugToolKit.
Server-Side and Vanilla-Compatible, only the host needs the mod.
Place AI_Blacklist.dll in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins/
Config can be found in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/config/com.Moffein.AI_Blacklist.cfg