Adds the unused Archaic Wisp enemy to spawn pool.Adds the unused Archaic Wisp enemy into the game. They are an alternative to Greater Wisps on certain maps.
They have +20% HP/damage/director cost compared to Greater Wisps, and shoot projectiles that roll on the ground, leaving a trail of fire.
Send me feedback on the balance!
- Replaces Greater Wisps on Sulfur Pools, Abyssal Depths, Sky Meadow, and Gilded Coast.
- Added to the spawnpool on Scorched Acres when looping.
Internal bodyname is MoffeinArchaicWispBody.
All players need the mod. Config options for what stages they spawn on can be found in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/config/com.Moffein.ArchaicWisp.cfg
Place the Moffein-ArchaicWisp folder in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins/