
KosmosisDire's TeammateRevival recompiled for SotS. Not under active development. The config I use is pretty different from the default, but I don't plan to change the defaults to reflect my usual settings.

Survivors can revive their fallen colleagues, but it comes at the price of their own health. A skull totem marks where the player died. Stand within the circle to begin, but stay at your own risk ;)

All players need this mod



Feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you encounter any bugs or want to discuss new or existing features, please submit an issue on Github, or contact KosmosisDire#4195 or amadare#8308 on Discord!

Default Game Mode:

The default and most simple game mode. When a teammate dies you can revive them by staying inside of the purple bubble around where they died. Reviving drains your health over time to balance things out. This makes it dangerous (but possible) to revive during battle. Once battle is over it isn't too dangerous to revive.

Death Curse Game Mode:

This is a new optional game mode which fleshes out the experience with more difficulty and revival mechanics. There are a number of under the hood things to make the whole system balanced and adjust to player skill.

Death Curse

Death Curse Icon

When a player is revived, they will receive the Death Curse, along with one other random player who helped revive. Death Curse is a debuff that reduces Max HP/ Shield simmilar to Shaped Glass. These debuffs will stack!

Charon's Obol

Charon's Obol

The Charon's Obol item makes revival faster and easier. It can also be consumed to make revival instant without getting cursed.

Death Curse and Obol

Every time you enter a new stage, 1 Curse will be removed. The number removed goes up by 1 for every Obol you have.

Dead Man's Hand - Lunar Item

Dead Man's Hand

  • Revive dead teammates everywhere on the map.
  • First item increases revival time by x2
  • Every subsequent item decreases revival time when you are reviving

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