
Adds Mercenary's parry skill from Risk of Rain Returns. Multiplayer compatible.

Works like Risk of Rain Returns, go into a parry stance, if released right before an attack lands, you get a "perfect" parry that deals more damage, grants i-frames, and deletes projectiles around you. Damage is dealt in a 13m sphere (explosion) around Merc. There's also a 3m "graze" radius since the AI can be finnicky (graze projectiles do not damage you). There's also a "Fun Mode" in the config now.

Known Issue

  • Merc's M1 animation locks sometimes, just hit m1 and it goes back to normal. Assuming this is because of the "hold" animation since it's just a swing being played VERY slowly.


  • GloomzyLion, for making the icon
  • Moffein, for networking and reworking to be closer to RoRR

Parrying Lunar Wisp

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