Currently adds in 1 white, 2 green and 2 red items. Fixes part 2.Phreel's Tiny Content Pack
This mod is supposed to be an experiment for me, as I try to learn newer and newer stuff in RoR2 modding.
Huge thanks to Mr.Bones for Detached Stinger's model! Seriously, thank you so much.
If you feel like they could get some nerfs OR found any issues I'm not aware of then I suppose feel free to @ me in the modding discord.
My discord tag is Phreel
What items does this mod add?
Tier 1:
Detached Stinger - On hit, you have a 9% chance (+9% per stack) to poison your target (if you have VAPI installed then it additionally increases damage against variant monsters by 10% [+10% per stack])
Tier 2:
Far Eastern Lantern - Increases base health regeneration by +2hp/s (+1.5hp/s per stack) for each ally you have.
Pirate Coin - Increase your base HP by 1.5% for each Common/White/Tier 1 item in your inventory. Further stacks of the item, multiplies the HP increase effect by 1.2 times.
Tier 3:
Devastator Chessboard - On hit, you have a 20% chance (+20% per stack) to inflict the Eclipse 8 Permanent Health debuff (+2 Curse stack per item stack) while also adding +10 stacks of stackable debuffs already on the enemy (+10 per stack) and decreasing their movement speed by 80% permanently.
Palm Tree - For each kill your base damage is increased by 1% (+1% per stack) base damage. Palm Tree takes already killed enemies into consideration if you got one more of Palm Tree.
- Models dont show up in logbook, this is likely because the assetbundle needs to be redone for newer Unity version
- Far Eastern Lantern is rotated sideways
- No item displays
Mr.Bones#6812 for Detached Stinger's model (buy him a ko-fi, he deserves it
Unity Asset Store for providing me free assets to work with LMFAO
Anreol and RandomlyAwesome for guidance.
HIFU for help with variant damage increase.
.score and Debonairesnake6 for helping me fixing math errors.
TheMysticSword for inspiration.