Lets you give (simplistic) orders to your underlings via your pings.Now with order everyone button.#What?
Pinging an ally that considers you it's Leader or pressing a (configurable) button to call everyone's attention will put them in a state wherein they interpret your next ping and attempt to act accordingly.
Their desire to follow these orders is quite overzealous,however.Make sure they don't get hurt waiting on your command.
Credit to the GNU image manipulation program for helping me make the icon.
Credit to cute anime girls for giving me the will to continue living.
1.1.2 - Fixed minions that lack AI breaking.
Changed internal name of plugin to make more sense.
1.1.1 - Stop server from thinking everyone did the thing it just did.
1.1.0 - Added a button to call the attention of every subordinate. It can be changed in config.
Added Risk of Options integration.
Registered the new AI state,which should help with mp compat.
1.0.2 - Why did no one tell me this sometimes breaks the ai of minions with 0 movespeed.
Also fixed Ping Highlight Color on allies awaiting orders.
Readme Update to signify that this wasn't broken by SOTV
1.0.0 - Initial Release