R2API.Addressables - Addressable related utility for modding


R2API.Addressables is a submodule for R2API that implements systems for working with the AddressablesAPI from Unity.

Currently it adds the AddressReferencedAsset system, which allows you on the Editor or on Code to easily refer to either an explicit Asset, or an Address to said asset.



  • Added Safeguards for the loading process to avoid loading assets with addresses that are invalid or malformed.


  • Fixed a typo on AddressReferencedAsset(UnityEngine.Object) constructor which would incorrectly set UseDirectReference to false
  • Fixed issue where AddressReferencedEquipmentDef wasnt marked as "Serializable"


  • Added utility property to check wether an AddressReferencedAsset is "Invalid". Invalid in this instance means that no direct reference to an asset exists, and the string address is null, empty or whitespace.
  • Addedd a utility property to check if an AddressReferencedAsset has a direct reference to an Asset.


  • Added missing casting operators and constructors for the bundled in, derived classes of AddressReferencedAsset<T>


  • Initial Release
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